Skua - Wikipedia
Skuas are related to gulls, waders, auks, and skimmers. In the three smaller species, all nesting exclusively in the Holarctic, breeding adults have the two central tail feathers obviously elongated, and at least some adults have white on the underparts and pale yellow on the neck.
Skua - South Polar - Antarctica fact file birds
The South Polar Skua (Catharacta maccormicki) is the size of a largish gull. They nest all around continental Antarctica and breed into the deep south.
Great skua - Wikipedia
The great skua (Stercorarius skua), sometimes known by the name bonxie in Britain, is a large seabird in the skua family Stercorariidae. It is roughly the size of a herring gull. It mainly eats fish caught at the sea surface or taken from other birds.
South Polar Skua - eBird
Bulky cold-brown seabird with white wing flashes. Usually seen singly in strong and direct flight, sometimes resting on the ocean with rafts of shearwaters. Chases gulls, large shearwaters, and even boobies, forcing them to regurgitate their food.
7 Skua Birds (With Pictures) - Avibirds.com
Skuas are mid-sized gull-like birds with brown or gray plumage and white wing markings. Their longish bills are hooked at the tip with a fleshy cere above the upper mandible. They have webbed feet with sharp, albeit small, claws. Unlike gulls, skua females are larger than the males.
Brown skua - Wikipedia
The brown skua (Stercorarius antarcticus), also known as the Antarctic skua, subantarctic skua, southern great skua, southern skua, or hākoakoa (Māori), is a large seabird that breeds in the subantarctic and Antarctic zones and moves further north when not breeding.
Great Skua - eBird
Powerful dark brown seabird, resembles a dark, heavily built immature gull. Note eye-catching white flashes in the primaries when in flight. Adults have distinct pale mottling on the upperparts, which serves to separate them from adults of the very similar South Polar Skua.
Great Skua | Audubon Field Guide
Bulky, powerful, with wide wings, thick neck. Dark brown with white wing flash. Very much like South Polar Skua, but head and body typically all dark with heavy pale stripes. A harsh hah-hah-hah-hah; various quacking and croaking notes. Open ocean. Except during breeding season, usually far offshore, out of sight of land.
South Polar Skua | Audubon Field Guide
It occurs regularly off both our coasts, but this predatory seabird nests only far to the south of us, around the edges of the Antarctic continent. When it reaches North American waters it remains far offshore, pirating food from other seabirds or catching its own fish.
Subantarctic skua | Hākoakoa | New Zealand Birds Online
The subantarctic skua is a large, heavy-set brown gull-like bird with 1.5 metre broad pointed wings and a distinctive white outerwing patch. It is a powerful flier, which enables it to overtake many petrels and some albatross. The sexes are alike, although females are substantially larger.
Chilean Skua - eBird
Rather large, dark, stocky gull-like seabird with big white wing patches (seen in flight). In summer often seen flying over Patagonian steppe or associating with Kelp Gulls at beaches, dumps, river mouths, and lakes near the coast. Also found well offshore, where it chases other birds to steal their food. Usually seen as singles or small groups.
Antarctic skua is a little smaller than a sea gull, but has the same basic body shape. The Antarctic skua is brown and white, while sea gulls are white, gray, and black. Sea gulls and skuas both live near water, and so both eat fish and small ocean creatures. But sea …
Stercorariidae: Skuas – birdfinding.info
2004年10月31日 · Skuas are gull-like seabirds that specialize in piracy, pursuing and attacking weaker seabirds to steal their prey. Most species also persecute other birds in the breeding season, raiding their nests for eggs and chicks.
Arctic skua – Norsk Polarinstitutt
The arctic skua resembles a stocky gull in body form, but it is a bit more steam-lined and predatory looking in its overall appearance. The species occurs in two colour phases, a light and a dark, as well as intermediates forms. The dark morph dominates in the southern parts of its range, whereas the light morph predominates in northern regions.
Bird - Australian Gulls,Skuas - OzAnimals
The Brown Skua is a large seabird similar in shape to a gull. It has dark brown plumage with white patches on the wings that are visible when the bird is in flight. It has a sturdy hooked bill that is dark brown in colour.
Great skua - Scottish Wildlife Trust
The great skua is a large, heavy seabird, roughly the size of a herring gull. At a distance the great skua looks stout and dark with streaks or dapples of gold/yellow and a dark grey cap. They show white wing flashes in flight. The beak is powerful and hooked and both bill and legs are black.
Grey Phalarope & Arctic Skua - Farmoor Reservoir, Oxon. 29th …
Early this morning a juvenile was found in the south-east corner of F2 feeding with a first winter Little Gull, both birds continued to feed together until they both departed at 11.30am. A Juvenile Arctic Skua also joined the melee early morning and was in the south-west corner of F2 reservoir at around 2pm.The Sabines Gull is the forth record ...
Great skua - The Wildlife Trusts
Great skuas are large seabirds, about the same size as herring gulls. They are pirates of the sea: chasing other seabirds, such as gannets and gulls, and stealing the fish they have caught. They also eat smaller birds, such as puffins, and are known to be very aggressive at their breeding grounds - dive-bombing anyone who gets close to their nests.
Gulls, Skimmer, Terns, Skua - shorebirds - Bush Trucker Tours ...
Gulls, Terns, Skimmers, Kittiwakes – Family Laridae, 22 genera with 100 species world wide. They live in the oceans and seas as well as lakes. They feed on fish, crabs and other smaller creatures. Gulls also like taking bites from other birds prey. Gulls – Subfamily Larinae many of them are coastal birds, few species are found at inland lakes.
Great Skua - BirdWatch Ireland
A gull like bird, similar in size to the Herring Gull, but heavier and more powerfully built. Heavy bill, neck, head and body. Broad wing bases and short tail. A dark bird with prominent white flashes in the outerwing (at the base of the primaries) visible both above and below. Adult bird coarsely streaked, especially on the upperparts.