Kow Swamp - The Smithsonian's Human Origins Program
They show a light build that differs from later, more rugged skulls like this 13,000 - 9,000 year old Homo sapiens skull from Kow Swamp. This could mean that there were two separate migrations of humans to Australia. The shape of this skull also reflects cultural head compression during the individual's lifetime.
Kow Swamp Archaeological Site - Wikipedia
The Kow Swamp archaeological site comprises a series of late Pleistocene burials within the lunette of the eastern rim of a former lake known as Kow Swamp (north-central Victoria, Australia). The site is 10 kilometres (6 mi) south-east of Cohuna in the central Murray River valley, in northern Victoria, at 35°57′13″S 144°19′05″E ...
Homo sapiens: cranium - Smithsonian Institution
This 13,000 - 9,000 year old Homo sapiens skull from Kow Swamp has a more rugged build than earlier skulls.
In August 1967, a highly mineralized and carbonate encrusted partial skeleton with archaic crania~ features was exall?-ined during a survey of the skeletal collectiOns held by the National Museum...
Kow Swamp archaeological site - Simple English Wikipedia, the …
The Kow Swamp archaeological site is on the eastern side of Kow Swamp in northern Victoria. A number of Pleistocene burials have been found in a sand dune, known as a lunette . Archaeologist Alan Thorne dug up the skeletons of more than 22 people between 1968 and 1972.
Kow Swamp - SpringerLink
2020年10月26日 · Kow Swamp is the name given to the largest Late Pleistocene cemetery thus far found in Australia. Site excavations led by Alan Thorne in the late 1960s and early 1970s revealed skeletal material belonging to more than 40 individuals with ages ranging from infant to adult. All but one were male.
Kow Swamp skeletons
2013年7月3日 · The people at Kow Swamp had large, long heads with very thick bone, up to 13 mm thick. Their faces were large, wide and projecting, with prominent brow ridges and flat, receding foreheads. From above they show a pronounced inward curvature behind the eye sockets, giving the skull the appearance of a flask.
Kow Swamp Five Skull - Greater Ancestors
Kow Swamp skull 5 (male), Victoria, showing the massive and archaic features. of this group of robust, early Australians. The burial is about 13 000 years old.
Kow Swamp One Skull - Greater Ancestors
On October 10, 1967 Alan Thorne and Phillip Macumber discovered the cranium known as “Kow Swamp One”. Kow Swamp One. “Playing the reluctant scientist, Chris Stringer would have you believe he was “pushed”. But the reality is, he jumped, feet first, into one of the hottest scientific and cultural debates on the planet: who owns ancient remains?
Kow Swamp - peterbrown-palaeoanthropology.net
Several years ago the Kow Swamp skeletons were reburied at the request of Aboriginal communities in northern Victoria. After 30 years the age of the Kow Swamp burials, particularly KS 9 which was the only burial excavated in situ, has recently been revisited.