[1.8.x - 1.12.x] Skylab - (Compatible with DECQ, OLDD, FASA) - 7 …
2014年7月16日 · This mod comes with everything you need to create your own Skylab, broken solar panels and all! I went for the actual skylab rather than the intended one (EDIT: CONTAINS BOTH STATION VERSIONS NOW) with this design so this mod includes the main skylab module, left solar array, micrometeorite shields and nosecone.
[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2015年9月30日 · For those familiar with KSP mods, BDB can be considered a stockalike equivalent of FASA, and a US counterpart to Tantares' soviet rockets. The parts are really overpowered! I managed to take a Mercury Hermes to Mercury Moho. The parts in BDB are balanced and scaled against the stock parts.
Releases · KSP-RO/Skylab - GitHub
Skylab mod that contains both the broken and unbroken versions of the station. This is compatible with DECQ, OLDD and FASA Saturn V mods - KSP-RO/Skylab
GitHub - KSP-RO/Skylab: Skylab mod that contains both the …
This mod comes with everything you need to create your own Skylab, broken solar panels and all! I went for the actual skylab rather than the intended one with this design so this mod includes the main skylab module, left solar array, micrometeorite shields and nosecone. UPDATED: This mod now includes the original design station too!
Skylab | A KSP Cinematic - YouTube
A KSP Cinematic about the Skylab program, with a few deviations from history. This is if Skylab worked perfectly, not requiring the sun shield for example.KS...
No Shortage of Dreams | A KSP Skylab Alternative History
2022年5月14日 · After hard work since 1968 Skylab which was originally named Orbital Workshop (OWS) is finally ready to soar the skies, it is a historical day for NASA and the United States as it marks the last launch of the Saturn V, the first launch of an American space station, and the largest spacecraft ever built.
【图片】☆历史著名航天任务-KSP模仿☆【坎巴拉太空计划吧】_百 …
阿波罗-联盟测试计划(英语:Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP);俄语:Экспериментальный полёт «Союз-Аполлон» (ЭПСА))是历史上第一次由两个国家合作的载人航天任务,由美国和苏联于1975年7月执行。 由于该计划使用的土星IB号运载火箭以及阿波罗指令/服务舱都是阿波罗计划中遗留下来的多余设备,这次任务也是历史上耗费专项资金最少的一次航天任务。 联盟19号和阿波罗号飞船同时于1975年7月15日在苏联拜科努尔航天中心和肯尼迪航天中心成功发射,两者阿 …
Skylab/README.md at master · KSP-RO/Skylab - GitHub
Skylab mod that contains both the broken and unbroken versions of the station. This is compatible with DECQ, OLDD and FASA Saturn V mods - KSP-RO/Skylab
Kerbalized Historical KSP Mod List : r/KerbalSpaceProgram
2021年12月10日 · Skylab (CKAN): Pretty self-explanatory, a Skylab mod that is compatible with FASA. Also worth noting you can launch it with your existing Saturn V pieces like the actual Skylab. Spacecraft Included: Skylab (damaged/undamaged), https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/77855-18x-112x-skylab-compatible-with-decq-oldd-fasa-7-24-21/
Skylab, But Better! || KSP - YouTube
In this Kerbal Space Program video, I launch an improved version of the Skylab space station, with an extended crew module due to a wetlab S-II. Mods used include KSRSS, Bluedog Design Bureau,...
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