SKYLY D | Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces Wiki | Fandom
Lautern's latest tractor fighter. Designated code name Skyly D. Said to be assigned to only ace pilots. Its exhaust turbines delivers tremendous power but requires great skill of its pilot. Teacher uses the Skyly J2 variant after he defects to Lautern, although it is unknown what modification the J2 variant has. Aces: [] TOOLKIT; FOREST ...
BANDAI 1/72 SKYLY J2 - Mobile01
2009年8月27日 · Skyly J2的設定並無空用雷達。 其雙反轉螺旋槳需要兩部活塞動力發動機前後並列,因此機身頂部前後方各兩處隆起應是為了容納前後兩部V型發動機的直列汽缸;但僅機首發動機具橫列式排氣管,機身後段的發動機卻無(橫列式排氣管是V型發動機的特徵)。
Amazon.com: EX MODEL 1/72 SKYLY J2 : Arts, Crafts & Sewing
The Skyly-D J2 is a Fictional aircraft model from the Movie/game, Sky Crawlers. Where this plane appears as the main nemesis throughout the movie. The design itself appears to be inspired by multiple existing WWII planes.
- 评论数: 6
空中杀手 - 萌村百科 - 文化、娱乐与潮流的百科汇聚地
主角们驾驶的“散香”、“染赤”等多是推进式,只有“教父”的爱机“Skyly”(スカイリィ)的少数机型为牵引式。 鈴城(轟炸機,只在《None But Air》中出现其名称。 本作品以近未来为舞台,主角是一群 战斗机 驾驶。 战争是故事的主要背景,但关于战争的 政治 背景及战况却几乎没有描述,故事中始终以第一人称“我”來敘述旁白,但到故事最后,也并未说明旁白本尊為誰。 系列共发行了5部单行本正篇及一部短篇集,插绘作者为 鶴田謙二。 按照发行的顺序第一卷为《スカイ・クロラ …
The Sky Crawlers Skyly J2 Solid Kiln Dried Wood Handcrafted
2024年11月18日 · In “The Sky Crawlers,” the Skyly J2 serves as one of the primary aircraft used by the main characters, who are eternally youthful pilots known as “Kildren.”. The Skyly J2, therefore, is not just a tool of warfare but also a symbol …
スカイ・クロラ Skyly J2 | Hpoi手办维基
Lautern Skyly J-2 'Teacher' - SimplePlanes
The Lautern Skyly is a propeller driven fighter aircraft from The Sky Crawlers and according to the show, it can perform post-stall maneuver by using propwash to act as thrust vectoring to control the plane.
スカイ・クロラ Skyly J2 | Hpoi手办维基
スカイ・クロラ Skyly J2 属性: 女 、比例人形 、全年龄: 定价: 6,500日元 (328元) 发售日: 2008年10月: 比例: 1/72: 制作: Beagle 、Organic: 原型: ニ宮茂幸: 作品: 空中杀手: 尺寸: L=150mm
Skyly J2 v2 - SimplePlanes
This Skyly J2 is an aircraft that has been changed its visual and fuel capacity from @kimisiki 's one. Thanks kimisiki! New Changes ·Engine power improved (3000hp -> 6000hp) ·Changed its visual just a little bit ·Moved CoM backward Previous Changes ·added turbosupercharger ·added radiators ·added motor cannon ·added tail cone ·added ...
Skyly J2 - SimplePlanes
This Skyly J2 is an aircraft that has been changed its visual and fuel capacity from @kimisiki 's one. Thanks kimisiki! Changes ·added turbosupercharger ·added radiators ·added motor cannon ·added tail cone ·added bottom fairings ·extended spinner ·made rear-fuselage thick ·changed wing shape ·changed propeller diameter ·changed ...
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