M51 Skysweeper - Wikipedia
The M51 Skysweeper (Gun, M51, Antiaircraft or Gun automatic, 75-mm T83E6, and E7, recoil mechanism, and loader rammer) was an anti-aircraft gun deployed in the early 1950s by both the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force. It was the first such gun to combine a gun laying radar, analog computer (director) and an autoloader on a single carriage.
美国M51“天空清扫者”高炮:导弹不是万能的,还得靠我配合 - 知乎
2021年8月21日 · 美国陆军原本是希望研发一种射击高度在6千米的中口径防空炮,性能强于 博福斯40毫米高射炮,用来与大口径高射炮相互配合,组成中高层空域的防空火力。 不过在M51服役的时候大口径高射炮已经逐渐步入“冷宫”,导弹万能论逐渐占据主导地位,只是受到电子技术等限制,早期防空导弹的反应时间和精度稍差,一旦目标逼近了就无法有效应对,因此M51被作为防空导弹的补充开始服役,负责近程防空作战,也算是找到了自己的价值。 除了美军自己使用M51“ …
RIA Self-Guided Tour: The M51 "Skysweeper" | Article | The …
2019年4月26日 · Fitted with a radar system and a computer, the M51 was capable of tracking enemy aircraft at speeds of up to 700 miles per hour and altitudes of up to 43,000 feet. The T-38 radar system fitted to...
SkySweeper Professional Download Free (Windows) - 5.09 | Softpedia
2006年11月11日 · Effortlessly chat, collaborate on projects, and transfer files within a business-like environment by employing this Microsoft-vetted application. Feather-light and free antivirus …
2015年7月21日 · (19 Aug 1954) The United States Army's new 75 millimetre "Skysweeper" was demonstrated recently at Weybourne, Norfolk. Radar controlled, the gun is aimed aut...
2023年7月16日 · M51 Skysweeper (Gun, M51, Antiaircraft or Gun automatic, 75-mm T83E6, and E7, recoil mechanism, and loader rammer) 在咨询IQ会议上,人们提出了五种自行式防空车辆。
M51 Skysweeper | Military Wiki | Fandom
Skysweeper (Gun, M51, Antiaircraft or D48 Gun automatic, 75-mm T83E6, and E7, recoil mechanism, and loader rammer) was an anti-aircraft gun deployed in the early 1950s by both the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force. It was the first such gun to combine a …
日本自卫队81型地对空导弹系统(Tan-SAM) - 哔哩哔哩
2023年10月23日 · 81型近程地对空导弹系统由日本东芝公司于1966年开发的一款近程防空导弹,用来替换老旧的M15A1 37 毫米/12.7 毫米高射炮和75 毫米M51 “天空清扫者” 高射炮(Skysweeper)。
1st 75mm Anti-Aircraft (SkySweeper) Battalion in 29 Palms, CA.
The SkySweeper is a 75mm Anti-Aircraft gun that was deployed in the early 1950s. It was the first Anti-Aircraft gun to combine all the various systems needed for effective use against high-speed aircraft into a single carriage, namely radar, an analog computer for calculating "lead", and an autoloader for high-speed fire.
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