Slash - The Punctuation Guide
The slash ( / ), also known as the virgule, has several uses, most of which should be avoided in formal writing. Never use a backslash ( \ ) in place of a slash. The one inarguably acceptable …
Slash (punctuation) - Wikipedia
The slash is a slanting line punctuation mark /. It is also known as a stroke, a solidus, a forward slash and several other historical or technical names. Once used as the equivalent of the …
When to Use a Slash: Backslash (\) vs Forward Slash (/) - 7ESL
2024年10月30日 · Learning the difference between a backslash (\) and a forward slash (/) can boost your writing skills. This reference covers when to use each type, the specific punctuation …
Slash vs. Backslash - Grammar.com
The article "Slash vs. Backslash" explains the differences between the two symbols, slash (/) and backslash (\), highlighting their unique definitions, appearances, and uses. The slash is …
Slash: Grammar Rules About How to Use a Slash | Grammarly
2021年1月14日 · Often simply referred to as a slash, this punctuation mark performs a variety of functions depending on the context. The only time it is appropriate to use a comma after a …
斜線 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
斜線[1] (/,英語: slash),又稱為 斜線號 、 斜槓 、 前斜線 或 正斜線,用作 标点符号 或其他用途。 注意:符號“\”稱為 反斜線 、後斜線或倒斜線,應予以區分。 [1] 斜線的使用可追溯至 …
斜杠与反斜杠(slash / backslash)的区分 - CSDN博客
2018年5月24日 · 斜杠与反斜杠(slash vs. backslash)的区分 按照从左到右的书写和阅读习惯,向前是“从左到右”,向后是“从右到左”。 斜杠 (slash): '/'是斜杠,可以看成是一根立着的木棒 …
SLASH中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
SLASH翻译:(用利器)劈,砍,划, 大幅削减,大幅减少(金钱、工作等), 标点符号, 斜线号,斜杠, 原意为“斜线号”,表示“或者”, 切口, (长而深的)划痕,切口, 抽打;挥击…。 了解更多。
Slash Symbols in Writing: When to Use a Backslash vs. a Forward Slash
2021年3月25日 · There are forward slash (/), backslash (\) and vertical slash (|) symbols on a computer keyboard. The forward slash is the type you're most likely to see or use in writing. …
Slash: Grammar Rules About How to Use a Slash - Two Minute …
2024年3月28日 · When you see a slash, it often means “or.” For example, “and/or” shows that either word could fit. The slash can also separate lines in a poem when quoted in text, like …