上海实验室装备协会 - slea.com.cn
协会新闻 更多 热烈祝贺协会3月值班会长会议顺利召开 2025-03-14 19:00 协会会员服务工作组带队走进我会理事单位—熙诚环保 2025-03-01 19:43 沪湘两会交流 共探实验室行业新机遇 2025-03-01 19:39 热烈祝贺实验室行业企业掼蛋和台球比赛圆满举办 2025-02-28 18:00 热烈祝贺协会第三届第二次会长办公会议顺利 ...
About - SLEA
Our SLEA Executive Board is comprised of 12 individuals; President, Vice President and 10 Members-At-Large elected from the Association membership. Each board member is assigned liaison schools working directly with the Association Representatives to communicate, advocate, and mediate with our members.
Meeting with Chairman, Board of Investment - slea.lk
A delegation from the Sri Lanka Economic Association met Mr. Dinesh Weerakkody, Chairman of the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka. SLEA delegation is as follows: 1. Rev. Prof. …
Suburban Law Enforcement Academy (SLEA) - College of DuPage
Suburban Law Enforcement Academy (SLEA) prepares recruits for a successful career in law enforcement. The Robert J. Miller Homeland Security Education Center is a testament to COD's commitment to providing student's access to the latest tools and facilities.
test.slea.com.cn - 上海实验室装备协会
实验室是科技创新的基础条件和成果产出源泉,为推动我国实验室建设能力持续提升,上海实验室装备协会于2019年3月30日正式成立,是在上海市民政局正式登记注册的专业性社团,也是长三角地区首家诞生并服务于实验室建设行业的协会,其主管单位是上海市经济和信息化委员会,截止目前会员单位已发展200多家,涉及服务行业企业上千家。 为规范和创新行业发展,协会共下设六大工作委员会,分别是:战略发展工作委员会、商务交流工作委员会、标准建设工作委员会、企 …
Salt Lake Education Association | SLEA
Explore the Salt Lake Education Association website for valuable resources, updates on political action, and community support tailored to Salt Lake City School District teachers. Become a member and further your teaching experience with us with us today!"
Seaboard Marine
Seaboard Marine is an ocean transportation company that provides direct, regular service between North America, the Caribbean, Central and South America.
Home | Seaboard
We secure supply and access to markets worldwide by owning and operating every step of our business – farms, processing plants, container shipping and trading of commodities. OUR …
Events - SLEA
The Political Education and Action (PEAC) team interviews Salt Lake City political candidates and makes candidate recommendations, paying special attention to Salt Lake City School Board elections. PEAC works to get SLEA/UEA-endorsed candidates elected. PEAC works with O&M to coordinate SLEA activism during the Utah legislative session.
South Lyon Education Association - Home
Our association proudly represents over 500 professional members who are employed in the South Lyon Community Schools district. The South Lyon Education Association is affiliated with the Michigan Education Association and National Education Association.