By automating the complex task of process set up the SlimKIC® 2000 makes profiling so easy that any operator can quickly achieve the optimal process. Simply select from a built-in library containing hundreds of commonly used solder paste specifications.
Home - KIC Thermal
KIC are thermal process experts who provide customized solutions for thermal processes: temperature profiling, automated setup, and automatic profiling and inspection. KIC's solutions are state of the art technologies applied to electronics manufacturing and semiconductor advanced packing applications.
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KIC are thermal process experts who provide customized solutions for thermal processes: temperature profiling, automated setup, and automatic profiling and inspection. KIC's solutions are state of the art technologies applied to electronics manufacturing and semiconductor advanced packing applications.
KIC温度曲线测试仪SlimKIC 2000上海衡鹏 - Hapoin
SlimKIC 2000可将工艺制程简化为一个数字——Process Window IndexTM(PWI),这样您就能精确地了解温度曲线的完善程度。 简化后的用户界面能引导操作员完成整个温度曲线测试过程,最大限度地减少错误的回流焊炉的温度设定和影响产量的各种缺陷。 即使是最复杂的产品和要求,SlimKIC 2000也能使制程设定毫不费力,包括无铅规定所造成的狭隘工艺制程窗口。 消除温度曲线测试过程中无铅过渡带来的麻烦,同时提高产品质量和可靠性。 为了精确评定温度曲线性 …
KIC2000 Reflow Oven Temperature Profiler, KIC temperature …
Always invest in the Kic 2000. Invest in the machine, provided by Cnsmt , for better results and outcomes. The SlimKIC 2000 is a real-time solder reflow process system and optimization device.
slim kic 2000 reflow oven thermal profiler temperature Curve analyzer
slim kic 2000 reflow oven thermal profiler temperature Curve analyzer The SlimKIC 2000™ is a tool that records the thermal profile of a product in a conveyorized thermal process such as a solder reflow oven.
[停产库存]美国KIC 2000炉温测试仪SMT测温仪 - 深圳格信达科技
美国KIC 2000炉温测试仪用来测试SMT电子制程温度曲线,可应用于锡膏回流焊、胶水固化、波峰焊、返修站以及其它工艺过程,自动热电偶位置设置导入,自动检索能保证温度曲线数据的完整性。 您将会得到省事省心的产品选型、价格报价服务! KIC 2000温度曲线测试仪 采用了先进温度曲线测试工具公司开发的核心技术,将这些创新技术集成为一种低成本系统,是一种理想的温度曲线测试仪器。 KIC炉温仪 数据收集工具帮你除去了复杂繁琐的热工艺设立过程,使你更加快捷 …
Slim KIC 2000 /9Channel Reflow oven Thermal profiler
Slim KIC 2000 is used to test the temperature curve. It can be applied to Reflow Oven, glue curing, wave soldering, rework stations, and other processes. Suitable for general SMT processing plants, cost-effective, easy to operate.
KIC-2000炉温测试仪 - 百度百科
kic炉温测试仪,kic 2000/kic start/kic explorer炉温测试仪 用来测试温度曲线,可应用于锡膏 回流焊 ,胶水固化, 波峰焊 ,返修站,以及其它工艺过程. 中文名
Finding the Best Oven Recipe with the SlimKIC 2000 Using ... - KIC …
2003年7月12日 · Finding the Best Oven Recipe with the SlimKIC 2000 Using the Auto-Focus Software Option. Ronald Chau, KIC, March 2003. The SlimKIC 2000™ is a tool that records the thermal profile of a product in a conveyorized thermal process such as a solder reflow oven.
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