Savoia-Marchetti SM.92 - Wikipedia
The Savoia-Marchetti SM.92 was an Italian heavy fighter/bomber of World War II based on the Savoia-Marchetti SM.88. The SM.92 did away with the mid-wing crew nacelle. The crew of two sat in the left fuselage only. Two DB 605 engines were fitted.
【381作战室】#2:SM.92双机身的又一次尝试 SM.92: Second …
The SM.92 is a late-war Italian prototype heavy fighter, developed from the SM.91 that preceded it. Although this twin-boomed bird never got to the frontlines, Italian pilots will have a chance to thoroughly evaluate its design under combat conditions after its introduction to War Thunder with the upcoming update 1.87!
SM.92 | War Thunder Wiki
The SM.92 was an Italian twin-engine fighter/bomber prototype designed and produced in 1943. It was an improvement of the SM.88, a similar aircraft. The aircraft was powered by two German Daimler-Benz 605 engines. Development of the prototype was slow, being finished in …
Savoia-Marchetti SM.92 Heavy Fighter Prototype Aircraft - Military Factory
2017年5月31日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Savoia-Marchetti SM.92 Heavy Fighter Prototype Aircraft including pictures.
亚平宁上空的战鹰——二战意大利战机名单(2) - 哔哩哔哩
SIAI 萨伏亚-马尔歇蒂飞机公司根据此一要求设计 ,制造和试飞了两种双引擎的战斗机——SM.91 及其派生型 SM.92。 也许是受到了 P-38 的强烈影响 ,此两者均是采用双尾撑造型的重火力双座战斗机,动力装置为一对1475马力戴姆勒.本兹 DB605 发动机。 (也有资料说是 1290 马力的 DB605A-1) SM.91 是该公司最早采用全金属结构的飞机之一。 该机的双尾撑气动布局就象是 P-38 的翻版,该机的两名飞行员同样被安排在位于机翼中段的大型短舱内。 基本资料: 火力: …
意大利版“双身恶魔”,SM.92重型战斗轰炸机 - 知乎
2024年2月20日 · SM.88是一款双发、双臂式战机,采用木质结构+金属蒙皮,中部的机身内可以容纳3名机组,分别为正\副飞行员和尾炮手,该机在机翼上安装了2挺 布雷达 -SAFAT 12.7毫米机枪,机体尾部有另外一挺安装在柔性塑料壳内的同型号 自卫机枪。 该机具备600千克航弹挂载能力,投弹时由正飞行员充当投弹手进行瞄准,此时副飞行员完全接管飞机驾驶。 SM.88的动力为两台德国造的戴姆勒-奔驰DB 601 V12倒置液冷活塞发动机,它也是 Bf 109 等许多著名机型的动 …
Savoia-Marchetti SM.92 - Wikiwand
The Savoia-Marchetti SM.92 was an Italian heavy fighter/bomber of World War II based on the Savoia-Marchetti SM.88. The SM.92 did away with the mid-wing crew nacelle. The crew of two sat in the left fuselage only. Two DB 605 engines were fitted.
Italian Aircraft of WWII: Savoia-Marchetti SM.92 - Blogger
2015年3月11日 · Another heavy fighter/bomber based on the SM.88 was the SM.92. The SM.92 did away with the mid-wing crew nacelle. The crew of two sat in the left fuselage only. Two DB 605 engines were fitted.
【战争雷霆载具资料】SM.92战斗机 - 哔哩哔哩
建议用法:水平穿插,B&Z空战,防空截击,战场遮断,突防轰炸。 避免用法:空战格斗。
Might Have Beens: Italian Twin-Engined Fighters, 1943 - World at …
SIAI Savoia-Marchetti designed, built, and tested two twin-engined fighter designs, the SM.91 and a derivative, the SM.92. Both were heavily armed, twin-boom two-seaters powered by pairs of imported, 1475-hp DB.605A-1 engines. The SM.91 was one of the first all-metal aircraft that Savoia-Marchetti had produced.