Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero - Wikipedia
The Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero (Italian for sparrowhawk) is a three-engined medium bomber developed and manufactured by the Italian aviation company Savoia-Marchetti. It may be the best-known Italian aeroplane of the Second World War. [2] .
IAR 79 - Wikipedia
In May 1937, Romania ordered 24 Savoia-Marchetti SM.79B bombers from the Savoia-Marchetti company powered by two Romanian-built IAR K14 engines. This variant was designated SM-79B and equipped the 1st Bomber Group (71st and 72nd Bomber Squadron) of the 1st Bomber Flotilla (Flotila 1 Bombardament). [1]
SM.79“食雀鹰”中型轰炸机 - 百度百科
SM.79“食雀鹰”中型轰炸机作为意大利最成功的、也是产量最大的轰炸机 (1936年-1944年共生产1370架),萨伏亚-马彻蒂公司设计的“食雀鹰” (Sparviero)被广泛的应用于法国、前南斯拉夫、希腊、北非、东非和地中海战场。 “食雀鹰”原本是一种 运输机,后来被改装为专用轰炸机。 1936年 在西班牙内战中首次作为轰炸机投入实战。 后来萨伏亚-马彻蒂又开发了安装1000马力比亚乔或菲亚特型发动机的SM79-Ⅱ 鱼雷轰炸机。 SM79-Ⅱ鱼雷轰炸机于1939年开始服役,随后4年中参 …
Savoia-Marchetti S.M.79 Medium bomber and torpedo bomber
True, the serial S.79B bombers flew at a maximum speed of 355 km / h, but after installing the 750-horsepower Alfa Romeo 126RC-34 on them and some improvement in aerodynamics, their speed immediately jumped to 430 km/h! The armament was also solid: 1250 kg of bombs and four machine guns, moreover, three of them were large-caliber.
S.M.79 B | War Thunder Wiki
Only the dorsal 12.7 mm machine gun features very good vertical angle of fire. The aircraft features very good horizontal and vertical manoeuvrability due to its large elevator surface area, however the elevator stiffens above 390 km/h. Expand... The S.M.79 B was an Italian-made medium bomber which served in the Romanian air force.
该死的驼背 细数二战意大利的轰炸机们_雀鹰 - 搜狐
2018年10月19日 · SM.79凭借其优异的性能和极快的速度创造了26项世界纪录,并被军方选中改装为中型轰炸机使用。 而其机身背脊成驼峰的形状也成为其最显著的外部特征,喜爱其的机组成员们为此给它取了一个“该死的驼背”的绰号。 “食雀鹰”是较为少见的三发轰炸机,使用三台菲亚特Alfa 128 R.C.18发动机,最大时速可达460km/h。 武备方面为3挺12.7mm机枪(后期根据改进有变化),最大载弹为1250kg。 SM.79最早被投入到了西班牙战场,并在其一战成名。 也是成也萧 …
Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 - Aviation History
It was the most important Italian bomber of World War II, and established a reputation that contrasted with most Italian weapons of the day. SM.79s served widely in the normal bombing role, but it is as a land-based torpedo bomber that the type deserves its …
Sm-79b Torpedo Bomber in Action - YouTube
Italian propaganda newsreel depicts attacks on British shipping near Malta -1941. Also a SM-84 carrying 2 torpedoes is shown briefly. Fiat G-50 fighters in o...
Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero (Italian for "Sparrowhawk") was a three-engined Italian medium bomber with a wood-and-metal structure. Originally designed as a fast passenger aircraft, this low-wing monoplane, in the years 1937–39, set 26 world records that qualified it for some time as the fastest medium bomber in the world. [1] .
Savoia Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero Bomber - Comando Supremo
2019年6月2日 · Considered the most lethal Italian aircraft of World War Two, it is responsible for damaging and sinking dozens of allied ships in the Mediterranean Sea. From the beginning of hostilities, it presented a constant threat to Allied shipping. In fact, the Savoia-Marchetti S.79 became the most widely used Italian bomber during the war.