Vermetidae - Wikipedia
The Vermetidae, the worm snails or worm shells, are a taxonomic family of small to medium-sized sea snails, marine gastropod molluscs in the clade Littorinimorpha. [1] The shells of species in the family Vermetidae are extremely irregular, and do not resemble the average snail shell, hence the common name "worm shells" or "worm snails".
Worm Snails, Family Vermetidae - marinelifephotography.com
2024年2月23日 · Worm snails are suspension-feeding gastropods that have tubular uncoiled shells attached to the substrate. Some aggregate to form reefs of their own, forming mats along the water's edge. The aperture is razor-sharp causing painful cookie-cutter wounds if stepped on.
SmaI - NEB
大肠杆菌菌株,其携带克隆自粘质沙雷氏菌(Serratia marcescens)(ATCC 49779)的 SmaI 基因。 一个单位是指在 50 µl 的总反应体系中,37℃ 下,1 小时内酶切 1 µg λ DNA(HindIII 酶切)所需的酶量。 SmaI 是 XmaI 的同裂酶。 SmaI 产生平末端片段,而 XmaI 产生 5´ 突出末端。 CpG 甲基化阻断酶切。 Why isn't SmaI cutting? Is SmaI affected by methylation? How does SmaI differ from its isoschizomer, XmaI? What is the molecular weight of SmaI?
Leucochloridium paradoxum - Wikipedia
Leucochloridium paradoxum, the green-banded broodsac, is a parasitic flatworm (or helminth). Its intermediate hosts are land snails, usually of the genus Succinea. The pulsating, green broodsacs fill the eye stalks of the snail, thereby attracting predation by birds, the primary host.
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Ligation and Recutting (Terminal Integrity) - After a 10-fold over-digestion of Lambda DNA with SmaI, ~50% of the DNA fragments can be ligated with T4 DNA ligase in 16 hours at 16ºC. Of these ligated fragments, >95% can be recut with SmaI.
SMAI: Fitness - amazon.com
SMAI is a global fitness equipment supplier and sells worldwide in over 65 countries. From global fitness franchises, military setups, new gyms, to athletes at every level, we offer a wide range of training solutions
FastDigest SmaI (FD0663/FD0664),FastDigest SmaI …
Thermo Scientific FastDigest SmaI 是一系列高端快速限制性内切酶之一,这些酶在通用 FastDigest 缓冲液和 FastDigest 绿色反应缓冲液中均具有100% 活性。 通用缓冲液可在5–15分钟内快速完成 DNA 单酶切、双酶切或多酶切,无需更换缓冲液或后续 DNA 纯化步骤。
因组DNA 等的快速酶切。SuperCut 快速内切酶具有如下特点:5~15 分钟内即可完成酶切; 共用一种酶切Buffer,大大简化酶切反应体系; 良好的酶活冗余度, 轻松应对底�. 过量或困难模板酶切。 此外,达优去磷酸化、连 接试剂在SuperCut 酶切Buffer 中具有100% 活性,支 持一管化反应,提 升“酶切. C 保存, 有�. �. 化底物, 回收酶切产物。在22°C 下使用适量T4 DNA Ligase 可�. 将酶切产物重新连接。 将连接产物再次回收后,使用相同的内切酶�. 产物将得到白色菌落。 对于SuperCut 系 …
SmaI,SmaI,MBI (Ferment,ER0667_分子生物学产品_产品_上海纯优 …
上海纯优生物科技有限公司专业供应SmaI (MBI (Ferment,ER0667) [SmaI],分子生物学产品,公司严格的质量控制,完善的库存供应体系,专业的销售团队和技术服务团队,良好的市场信誉,并凭着经营SmaI多年的经验,赢得了国内外用户及厂商的一致好评,欢迎来电来函洽淡交流,联系电 …