Smak - Wikipedia
Smak (Serbian Cyrillic: Смак; trans. The end time) was a Serbian and Yugoslav band from Kragujevac. The group reached the peak of popularity in the 1970s when it was one of the most notable acts of the former Yugoslav rock scene.
Smak discography - Wikipedia
The discography of the Serbian rock band Smak (Serbian Cyrillic: Смак; trans. Endtime), consists of ten studio albums, three live albums, five compilation albums, three EPs, and seven singles.
Smack (Finnish band) - Wikipedia
Smack was a Finnish rock band that was active from 1982 to 1990. Although Smack never achieved huge commercial success, they have a very strong cult following and they are regarded as one of the most influential Finnish rock bands.
Smak – Wikipedija
Smak je jugoslavenska i srbijanska rock grupa koju je osnovao gitarist Radomir Mihajlović Točak s bubnjarom Slobodanom Stojanovićem Kepom i basistom Zoranom Milanovićem u Kragujevcu 1971. Od 1971. godine kada je sastav imao svoj prvi …
Smack – Wikipedia
Smack oli helsinkiläinen katurock -yhtye, joka vaikutti vuosina 1982–1990. Smack perustettiin Helsingin Lepakkoluolassa vuonna 1982. Yhtyeen alkuperäiseen kokoonpanoon kuuluivat laulusolisti Claude, kitaristi Kartsa, kitaristi Manchuria, basisti Cheri ja erinäisten vaihdosten jälkeen rumpali Juki Marjala.
Смак — Википедија
Смак је југословенска и српска рок група коју је 1971. године основао гитариста Радомир Михајловић Точак са бубњаром Слободаном Стојановићем Кепом и басистом Зораном Милановићем у Крагујевцу. [1]
SMAK discography and reviews - Progarchives.com
2017年9月5日 · SMAK was formed by a guitar virtuoso Radomir MIHAJLOVIC nicknamed "Tocak" (the Wheel). The first stable line-up was assembled in late 1974 including Slobodan Stojanovic (drums), Zoran Milanovic (bass), Boris Arandjelovic (vocals) and Lazar RISTOVSKI (keyboards).
Smak - JazzRockSoul.com
2018年1月15日 · Smak were a Yugoslav hard-rock/funk band from Kragujevac, Serbia, formed in 1971. Between 1974 and 1986, the band issued six albums and assorted shortplayers on RTB and ZKP RTVLJ. Guitarist Radomir Mihajlović Točak sporadically issued solo material during this time period, including the popular 1976 release R.М. Тоčак.
'Smak' - Atlas Obscura
2024年3月11日 · Four monuments dedicated to the legendary band in Serbia. In 1971, guitarist Radomir Mihailović "Točak" with drummer Slobodan Stojanović "Kepa" formed a rock band. Bassist Zoran Milanović and...
Smak bio - jazzinfo.org
Smak (Serbian Cyrillic, Smak; trans. Endtime is a former Yugoslav and Serbian rock band from Kragujevac. In the 1970s, the group was one of the most prominent acts on the ex-Yugoslav rock scene. Radomir Mihajlovic (“The Wheel”) is the band’s leader.