Ulex - Wikipedia
Ulex (commonly known as gorse, furze, or whin) is a genus of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae. The genus comprises about 20 species of thorny evergreen shrubs in the subfamily …
Ulex minor - Wikipedia
Ulex minor, the dwarf furze or dwarf gorse is an evergreen dwarf shrub in the family Fabaceae, native to eastern England, France, Spain and Portugal. It is restricted to lowland heathland …
Dwarf Gorse | WildflowerWeb | Plant Information
Dwarf Gorse, also known as Ulex minor, is a small shrub that belongs to the family Fabaceae. It is native to Europe and can be found in a variety of habitats including heathlands, moors, and …
Gorse - Planting, Growing and Care, - Nature & Garden
Gorse is a fantastic shrub with abundant bright yellow spring blooming. Gorse facts summary. Name – Ulex europeus Family – Fabaceae Type – shrub. Height – 3 to 10 feet (1 to 3 m) …
Ulex europaeus - Wikipedia
Ulex europaeus, the gorse, common gorse, furze or whin, is a species of flowering plant native to Western Europe. [2] Growing to 4.5 metres (10 ft) tall, it is an evergreen shrub. [3] . The young …
Andrena ovatula (Small Gorse Mining Bee) - Flickr
A. ovatula is a bivoltine species with a spring brood that obtains pollen largely from Common Gorse and a summer brood that uses vetches, bird's-foot trefoils, clovers and summer …
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Gorse (Ulex europaeus) - British Wildflowers - Woodland Trust
Find out all about common gorse, from identification and tips on where to find it with pictures to top facts.
Ulex parviflorus (Small-flowered Furze, Small-flowered Broom, …
Ulex parviflorus (also called Dwarf Gorse, among many other common names) is a shrub or small tree, native to the Mediterranean region and the Middle East. It typically grows to 2–4 m tall, …
Ulex micranthus (Ulex micranthus, Small-Flowered Gorse, Small …
Ulex micranthus is a species of flowering plant in the family Fabaceae. Common names include Ulex micranthus, Small-Flowered Gorse & Small-Flowered Furze. Find more on description, …
The 12 Smallest Horse Breeds From Around the World - The …
2022年9月23日 · These 12 breeds are among the smallest horses and ponies in the world. The miniature horse is one of the smallest horse breeds. It has two height divisions. The tallest is …