my. ct scan shows a "small splenule" what is this? - HealthTap
2020年2月7日 · Accessory spleen: A splenule is a small collection of splenic tissue found apart from the main body of the spleen. This is a common finding occurring in 10% of people. Other names for this include supernumerary spleen or splenunculus.
splenule - HealthTap
what is a splenule?: : An accessory spleen, with splenic tissue that grows outside the sple
what is a splenule? - HealthTap
2023年1月24日 · What does " spleen: normal. 1.9cm splenule noted near the inferior pole" mean? My. Ct scan shows a "small splenule" what is this? MRI - there is a small enhancing nodule upper left quadrant inferior to the spleen, most likely a splenule". I understand a splenule is harmless.....however it seems to be a guess.
what does " spleen: normal. 1.9cm splenule noted near the
Splenule: It means your spleen is normal, and by the way you have a little bit of extra spleen tissue separate from your spleen. This is also normal and occurs in 10% of the population. Answered 11/18/2020
nodules on spleen - HealthTap
mri - there is a small enhancing nodule upper left quadrant inferior to the spleen, most likely a splenule". i understand a splenule is harmless.....however it seems to be a guess. the spleen is next to the pancreas, do i need to more evaluation?: : I would ask for a reading by another MRI radiologist and/or your own
accessory spleen symptoms - HealthTap
I'm struggling with low eos level for years. it's like 0.07 ul. i have a high cortisol too and my lower back hurts by the night. usg shows an accessory spleen and it's like 60mm in diameter. my body numbs very often, should i worry about that?
mri - there is a small enhancing nodule upper left quadrant
2021年10月28日 · Small painful bump volar aspect left hand. mri: 13x11x9mm nodule indeterminate etiology as appearance is atypical of any lesion. atypical lipoma is a less likely consideration. what is potential for sarcoma? MRI of gall bladder showed something between gb and pancrease (pancrelipase).
why is my spleen growing back after splenectomy? | HealthTap
2020年4月7日 · Splenosis: Small fragments of splenic tissue or splenules can grow after the spleen is removed. Splenosis ...
had ct scan w/ contrast in march & it showed no accessory spleen.
No difference: One reader of ct may have overlooked accessory spleen or splenule which can be quite small or did not report it because of la
does ct scan show rectal strictures - HealthTap
My. ct scan shows a "small splenule" what is this? 6 doctors weighed in across 3 answers. A member asked: