Audit Workflow Software
SmartAudit is the world's smartest cloud based audit workflow software which is specifically built for SME audit practices. You can choose & customize your workpaper template, or even create your own. It automatically generates lead-schedules, financial …
SmartAudit | The smartest cloud-based Workpaper Management …
SmartAudit is the world's smartest cloud based audit workflow software which is specifically built for SME audit practices. You can choose & customize your workpaper template, or even create your own. It automatically generates lead-schedules, financial …
智慧审计的七种武器之机器人流程自动化(RPA) | 德勤中国 | 风险 …
为解决银行业内部审计周期长、沟通成本高、重复工作量大的业务痛点,德勤在现有“小勤人”的基础上进一步与德勤推出的行业领先的智能应用业务(AbB,Assets-based Business)相结合,使RPA插上人工智能的翅膀,开始向认知自动化(RCA,Robotic Cognition Automation)方向进化。 “小勤人”在整个内部审计的生命周期中,可以在内部审计执行过程中协助内部审计人员完成如自助式内部审计数据采集、自动化测试、自动化文档审阅、自动化底稿编制、内部审计项目管理等 …
智慧审计的七种武器之自然语言处理 (NLP) | 德勤中国 | 风险咨询
智慧审计则利用自然语言处理技术使繁琐的文本处理过程智能化,使计算机自动完成文本资料处理并提示潜在风险,实现更高效、更智能、更标准化的内部审计。 1. 形态. 语言是表达人的想法以及人与人之间交流的工具,自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing,NLP)使计算机拥有处理人类语言的能力,让计算机能够理解并使用人类的语言。
智慧审计的七种武器之知识图谱 | 德勤中国 | 风险咨询
知识图谱技术提供了一种从海量非结构化数据(如文本、图像)中抽取计算机能够理解的结构化数据的手段,对大数据时代的知识获取、知识共享、知识创新具有非常重要的应用价值。 知识图谱是语义网络的知识库,以语义网络为基础,结合自然语言处理、机器学习、数据挖掘、知识表示等技术,旨在描述客观世界的概念实体事件以及其之间的关系。 通过知识图谱可以高效直观地刻画目标主体(如企业、事件等)之间地关联网络,从而全维度地对企业进行画像,立体复现主体的真 …
Smart audits - Audit Management Software
Smart Audit is an Audit management tool which helps users to customize the audit requirements and conduct digital audits. It also allows the users to manage non compliances and reviews trends from the audit outcomes.
PwC's Smart Audit Platform
2022年12月19日 · The Smart Audit Platform, created by PwC Australia, uses the power of Microsoft Azure to digitise key aspects of the audit. It helps teams consistently deliver high quality audits to clients. Since launch, over 12,000 PwC auditors across 12 countries have used the Smart Audit Platform.
立信智能审计云平台(Smart Audit Cloud Platform, SACP)是由立信自主研发的、行业内第一款完全基于云的智能审计作业平台。 智能审计云平台,着眼于数据、立足于数据,是一款以数据分析为基础、以数据挖掘为核心、以数据共享为纽带的智慧型审计作业系统。
Smart Audit - LinkedIn
SmartAudit is the world's smartest cloud based audit workflow software which is specifically built for SME audit practices. You can choose & customize your workpaper template, or even create...
Smart Audit: the digital transformation of audit - Medium
2020年2月7日 · To leverage smart audit practices to improve audit assurance and audit quality, it is critical for policymakers to develop appropriate audit standards and relevant analytic technologies for big...
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