Autumn Way - Super Mario Bros. X Forums - smbxgame.com
2023年8月27日 · Super Mario Bros. X is a Mario fangame where you can create and play your own Super Mario levels.
Super Mario Bros. X (SMBX2 & TheXTech) Custom Level - Autumn …
2022年1月28日 · This is a video about a custom level made in Super Mario Bros. X (SMBX) called, "Autumn Hills", made by Retro_games428. It was published on the SMBX forums o...
SMBX Preservation Archive
The SMBX Preservation Archive is a collaborative effort by some members of the SMBX community and independent enthusiasts to collect and preserve a large number of the content made for various branches of the Super Mario Bros. X fan game after receiving news about the MediaFire's policy updating regarding inactive accounts that will lead the ...
SMBX2 - Custom Level - Fuzzy Autumn - YouTube
2020年9月23日 · Download this level! : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lscvmxarpkkhdyhxr6271/Fuzzy-Autumn-V1.1.zip?rlkey=hby5wcxrhphns4q28b19s8s5s&st=r55grw45&dl=0Sorry for t...
SMBX Custom Level: Autumn Forest - New Super Mario Bros. X
2012年2月11日 · Tiles are SMW and the enemies are SMB3. So how the hell do I change something to what it is? This level was somewhat based off of a level Chad made, at least graphical wise. The level isn't the same as his though, to my knowledge. It was merel.
Super Mario Bros. X
Super Mario Bros. X (SMBX) is a Mario fangame where you can create and play your own levels. SMBX was first released in 2009 by Redigit, and has subsequently received several updates over the last decade by a variety of teams and programmers.
NEWER SUPER MARIO BROS X - Projects - WohlSoft Forums
2018年4月6日 · Newer Super Mario Bros x is a future episode for smbx 1.4.4. THE HISTORY: Spoiler Mario is on vacation in Yoshi's Island in the fall, when suddenly receives a letter saying bowser has the mushroom kingdom in his possession. PHOTOS: Spoiler WORLD 1 AUTUMN IN YOSHI'S ISLANDS WORLD 2 MOAI PIRAMIDS IN DESERT WORLD 3 MEGA ISLANDS WORLD 4 GRAVEYARD ZONE
SMBX Custom Intro: Autumn Forest - YouTube
Inspired by one of RvB's levels/graphics. Credits: as303298- Level Design RvB- BGOs and main background Catlover341- Recolored SMW Wood. This was made in like an hour or so, so not really the best....
【图片】【喝了】【我来开个大坑】【SMBX 1.4.X编辑器使用教程】【smbx …
SMBX自带地图,并内置了一个编辑器,它在这里。 蓝框部分是游戏设置,可以在里面检查文件是否完整,以及调节音量等。 最下面的即退出。 10.关于脚本。 5.大地图设置。 1-窗口模块。 点击文件按钮,就会出现上图这样的窗口。 1.新建-新创建一个关卡文件。 (快捷键:Ctrl+N) 2.保存-保存当前关卡。 (快捷键:Ctrl+S) 3.另存为-将当前关卡另外保存一份。 (快捷键:暂无) 4.打开-打开指定目录内的关卡。 (.lvl .elvl)(快捷键:Ctrl+O) 5.打开近期文件-打开最近一段 …
FutureNyanCat's GFX Pack (v12.0 IS FINALLY HERE)
2013年12月20日 · Almost nine to ten years after its final version, 11.0 was released, this pack has been finally updated for use with SMBX2, even going as far as to including special GFX that …