Super Mario Bros. X
Super Mario Bros. X (SMBX) is a Mario fangame where you can create and play your own levels. SMBX was first released in 2009 by Redigit, and has subsequently received several updates over the last decade by a variety of teams and programmers.
WohlSoft - SMBX2 - Super Mario Bros X2
Super Mario Bros X2 (SMBX 2.0) is an open source evolution of Redigit's SMBX fan game engine with new playables, NPCs, blocks, game modes, and much more!
TheXTech - WohlSoft Team
TheXTech is a free and open-source game engine for Mario-like platforming games. There is a complete and extended source code port of the Super Mario Bros. X 1.3 game engine (later just "SMBX"), and its direct unofficial continuation after development halted in the 2011th year.
Super Mario Bros. X Forums - Index page
2025年3月8日 · Super Mario Bros. X is a Mario fangame where you can create and play your own Super Mario levels.
SMBX World
【醒目】SMBX各个版本的本体下载 . SMBX World 中文社区建立 2 周年 . 关卡竞赛预报名 . SMBX QQ 交流群 ⭐ . SMBX World 中文社区管理规定 . 【X2作品预告+DEMO】Super Mario Doppelganger. 《超级马里奥·双生》 . 自制浅濑玩家贴图(替换公主)分享 . 喝了工作室十周年快乐! 在今天构建一款全新的SMBX可能吗 .
Downloads - SMBX2 - WohlSoft
SMBX2 is an open source evolution of Redigit's SMBX fan game engine with new playables, NPCs, blocks, game modes, and much more!
Super Mario Bros. X
Super Mario Bros. X improves upon many things in SMBX. In this update, you'll find higher quality music and graphical fixes, making the game more loyal to the original Mario series on the SNES. We've also included Redigit's The Princess Cliche as a default episode.
【醒目】SMBX各个版本的本体下载 - SMBX World
Hafulor 许多人第一时间肯定是下载完地图就想玩,但没有SMBX本体。 那么这里就是各个SMBX版本的下载链接了! 如果下载下来的地图你不知道怎么使用,务必请看下方的Q&A!
SMBX Preservation Archive
The SMBX Preservation Archive is a collaborative effort by some members of the SMBX community and independent enthusiasts to collect and preserve a large number of the content made for various branches of the Super Mario Bros. X fan game after receiving news about the MediaFire's policy updating regarding inactive accounts that will lead the ...
Super Mario Bros. X by SMBX - Game Jolt
Super Mario Bros. X (SMBX) is a Mario fangame where you can create and play your own levels. SMBX was first released in 2009 by Redigit and has subsequently received several updates over the past decade by various teams and programmers.
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