Super Mario Origins Duology[Formerly SMB1 - Remastered]
2020年4月6日 · -All 5 characters are playable! With Peach, Toad, and Link looking more SMB1 appropriate.-Unlockables include returning power-ups, Yoshi(Yes in SMB1 style), SMBX exclusive items, and abilities from other games.(-Full co-op support for both games.(Except the custom HUD, and parrallax scrolling which always breaks in multiplayer, sorry!)
SMBX Preservation Archive
SMBX 1.0 ~ 1.2 - An archive of old SMBX versions released by Redigit since the first version released in 2009 year. SMBX 1.3 - The last Redigit's official release of SMBX made in October 2010. SMBX - The SMBX 1.3 with slightly updated assets. LunaLua-SMBX - The SMBX 1.3 with LunaLua equipped. The last version was released on December 2016.
SMB1 Character Sprites for Everyone(1.3 Update! Offset fixes and ...
2021年2月19日 · Super Mario Bros. X by 38A (SMBX-38A) SMBX-38A Levels SMBX-38A Episodes Projects SMBX-38A Bug reports Ideas & Suggestions TeaScript Script requests Script submission Graphics submission for SMBX-38A Graphics (SMBX General) Graphic Request Sandbox Archive LunaLua LunaLua - Extension Framework LunaLUA APIs Vanilla SMBX 1.3 (aka SMBX-64) SMBX-38A
SMBX2 - Super Mario Bros X2
Super Mario Bros X2 (SMBX 2.0) is an open source evolution of Redigit's SMBX fan game engine with new playables, NPCs, blocks, game modes, and much more!
(SMBX 1.4.2) Custom SMB1 Playable Mario (All the sprites)
2018年6月27日 · Well these sprites are technically a hybrid of SMB3 All Stars (shape) and SMB1 All Stars (palette). Youll notice the original SMB1 sprites have Mario with taller legs. I hope 1.4.2 allows for custom mario sizes through PGE soon
[SmbX 1.4] Smb 1,2,3 & SMW GFX Expanded PNG Edition
2019年11月4日 · Super Mario Bros. X by 38A (SMBX-38A) SMBX-38A Levels SMBX-38A Episodes Projects SMBX-38A Bug reports Ideas & Suggestions TeaScript Script requests Script submission Graphics submission for SMBX-38A Graphics (SMBX General) Graphic Request Sandbox Archive LunaLua LunaLua - Extension Framework LunaLUA APIs Vanilla SMBX 1.3 (aka SMBX-64) SMBX-38A
[Released] Super Mario Bros. X by 38A v. 1.4.5 - Patch 31.1
2016年2月23日 · And I think, SMB Xtended config pack will be based on SMBX-38A's stuff. Currently PGE Editor opens SMBX65-38A levels, but: because I wasn't finished events side, some properies are will be lost, and because I wasn't implemented controls for editing of some new fields, there are uneditable (even there are remembering in LVLX file).
SMB1 Graphic Request - Super Mario Bros. X by 38A (SMBX-38A ...
2016年10月31日 · Board index Super Mario Bros. X Super Mario Bros. X by 38A (SMBX-38A) Description: Subforum dedicated to SMBX-38A - a fan-made remake of the original SMBX Engine, made by 5438A38A. Forum rules: This is official …
h2643's GFX Pack - V4.2 - Graphics (SMBX General) - WohlSoft …
2024年10月13日 · Frog Mario and Penguin Luigi are not included, that's SMBX 1.4 content. Download updated h2643's GFX Pack (V4.1) here! For those who already have an old version of my GFX Pack: you don't have to download a whole new pack again, you can just download this patch and put the contents in your old GFX Pack folder.
Super Mario Bros. X by 38A - Moondust Wiki - WohlSoft
In 2013'th year, the Baidu Tieba user 5438A38A had told that the reason for SMBX 1.3 usage has much smaller significance than the development of a new game version, and he had announced the beginning of the "SMBX 1.4" development. The SMBX-38A v1.4.0 Editor, Overview, 2015'th year The SMBX-38A v1.4.0 Editor, TeaScript Editor, 2015'th year