smgSpin.lua - Mario Galaxy Spinning! [v1.1] - Super Mario Bros. X …
2024年5月16日 · Share and discuss custom LunaLua code and content packs for SMBX2. Little script I did, adds the spin attack from mario galaxy games! Changelog1.0 - Released! Please give credits if used! Updated to version 1.1! Changelog and download in the original post. Enjoy! Hey great work! Is there a way to make it work with the starman powerup?
【SMBX吧】简易导航 - 百度贴吧
全称超级马里奥兄弟 X,是一款由 Andrew Spinks (Redigit) 开发的同人马里奥游戏。 它不仅能玩,还能制作关卡。 SMBX 最新版是多少? Redigit 做的 1.3 就是最新版,因为后来他被老任请喝茶了,于是停更。 最初有一些人搞了个 出来,由于没源代码因此只能做些外部改进,比如把某些 GBA 色调的素材换成 SFC 色调的如 SMW Cave、Bonus,把那堆音效换成用更精准的 SFC 模拟器弄的音效 (音频模拟得准的有 BSNES、Snes9X 从 1.53 开始的版本),以及把音乐换成 …
(Repost) SMG Galaxy Spin, Life System, HUD and Ground Pound
2020年3月2日 · SMG Spin Jump now uses the normal tail-sfx. Custom sounds doesn't require config anymore! you will no longer need to replace an existing sound effect. Fixed a weird bug that would let the player move some pixels in the x-axis while it …
Super Mario Bros. X
Super Mario Bros. X (SMBX) is a Mario fangame where you can create and play your own levels. SMBX was first released in 2009 by Redigit, and has subsequently received several updates over the last decade by a variety of teams and programmers. SMBX and its developers have no affiliation with Nintendo, nor do they claim to.
SMBX World
SMBX QQ 交流群 ⭐ SMBX World 中文社区管理规定 【X2作品预告+DEMO】Super Mario Doppelganger. 《超级马里奥·双生》 自制浅濑玩家贴图(替换公主)分享 喝了工作室十周年快乐!!! 在今天构建一款全新的SMBX可能吗
【图片】【喝了】【我来开个大坑】【SMBX 1.4.X编辑器使用教程】【smbx …
SMBX自带地图,并内置了一个编辑器,它在这里。 蓝框部分是游戏设置,可以在里面检查文件是否完整,以及调节音量等。 最下面的即退出。 10.关于脚本。 5.大地图设置。 1-窗口模块。 点击文件按钮,就会出现上图这样的窗口。 1.新建-新创建一个关卡文件。 (快捷键:Ctrl+N) 2.保存-保存当前关卡。 (快捷键:Ctrl+S) 3.另存为-将当前关卡另外保存一份。 (快捷键:暂无) 4.打开-打开指定目录内的关卡。 (.lvl .elvl)(快捷键:Ctrl+O) 5.打开近期文件-打开最近一段 …
新的 SMBX 中文社区,以及……中文百科! - 百度贴吧
smbx 作为史上最伟大的马里奥同人游戏之一,曾经在国内外都有着极高的关注度。在国内,更是有像 smbx 吧这样的地方供 smbx 爱好者们一起讨论与交流 smbx!
[Released] Super Mario Bros. X by 38A v. 1.4.5 - Patch 31.1
2016年2月23日 · I absolutely love the new version of this SMBX version but I don't really understand as of how to use the SMB balancing NPCs with background objects included since no matter as of how I do the advanced settings to do stuff and such it won't work on me.
SMB Remix (v1.0 update!) - Super Mario Bros. X Forums
2014年1月1日 · SMB Remix then happened, where I redid all the levels of SMB, adding some gimmick/twist, making them more... interesting. The episode is more focused for skilled players, the difficult is quite elevated, so I don't recommend this episode for noobs/newbies.
SMBX or SMBX2? : r/SMBX - Reddit
2024年1月1日 · Go to SMBX r/SMBX Super Mario Bros. X is a massive Mario fangame and editor that allows you to create your own 2D levels with elements from Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, 3, World, and other Nintendo classics!
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