WIP Graphics Showcase 2 - Super Mario Bros. X Forums
2013年12月21日 · Yes, added in SMW Enemies on SMB2 style. Those looks quite nice actually, in both variations. Spinda's Galoombas look much more realistic as opposed to Yahochi …
WIP: Super Mario 2D Universe X (1.4.4) - Super Mario Bros. X …
2017年4月7日 · Join Mario in an adventure to save peach once again and explore over 30+ well designed levels! ''SM2DUX'' is an episode I'm working on that's being made in SMBX 1.4.4. …
SMBX Preservation Archive
The SMBX Preservation Archive is a collaborative effort by some members of the SMBX community and independent enthusiasts to collect and preserve a large number of the content made for various branches of the Super Mario Bros. X fan game after receiving news about the MediaFire's policy updating regarding inactive accounts that will lead the ...
Super Mario Bros. X 1.4.3 - Beginner Tutorials (WIP)
2015年11月9日 · Super Mario Bros. X 1.4.3 - Beginner Tutorials (WIP) Board index Super Mario Bros. X Super Mario Bros. X by 38A (SMBX-38A) Description: Subforum dedicated to SMBX-38A - a fan-made remake of the original SMBX Engine, made by 5438A38A.
[Script Pack] [UPDATE on 10.27 2024] HengShao's Script Pack
2024年10月27日 · UPDATED ON 08.28 2023: Added some new scripts (Improved Shell Suit, New Star Coin System, NSMB Fire Snake) and improved some old scripts (Kirby-Style Boss HP Bar, Land Piranha). P.S: All the scripts' name with a (WIP)/ (Heavily WIP) are scripts that are still incomplete or too unstable to use in a formal level. THINK TWICE before using them.
SMBX Custom Overworld WIP Showcase - 21/12/2024 - YouTube
1. Mushroom Tales (9 Worlds Finished)2. Nagisa's Adventure (10 Worlds Planned)#custommusic
[WIP] SMBX episode Super Mario World MORE! - Printable …
2018年7月2日 · The game is presented at the beginning, well nicely with the Toad Town, it introduces the player to the town and the many functions around it. After playing for a while, I noticed there was a inventory system too, so a Toad Shop would be a good addition for long travels down difficult levels.
TheXTech - WohlSoft Team
TheXTech is a free and open-source game engine for Mario-like platforming games. There is a complete and extended source code port of the Super Mario Bros. X 1.3 game engine (later just "SMBX"), and its direct unofficial continuation after development halted in the 2011th year.
[WIP] SMBX episode Super Mario World MORE! - MFGG
2018年6月2日 · Super Mario World MORE! is a SMBX episode with a smw romhack styled graphics of the hold game. Story
[38A脚本包] 亨少的脚本包(更新于 2024.10.27) - SMBX World
2024年10月27日 · 注:若脚本名称后面带有“ (WIP)”或“ (Heavily WIP)”字样,则说明该脚本尚未开发完成或依旧不太稳定,不便用于正式关卡之中。 因此,使用这些脚本前请三思。 如果我使用了你制作的GFX但是没有给你Credit,或者如果你在使用脚本时遇到了bug,请在本帖回复并反馈相关问题。 万分感谢! 请不要用这种方式发送图片。 如果你想发送图片,请先把要发送的图片上传到图床,再复制图片的链接,发帖时选择图片标识,把图片的链接粘贴到小括号里,这样才能正 …