[SMBX2] FNC2002's NPC Pack [v2.0.1] - That's EVEN MORE …
2013年12月20日 · Special thanks to the help of many friends of mine (MegaDood, KBM-Quine, supermario1313, Murphmario, MrNameless and many more), without their help I wouldn't be …
[NPC/Block] Extension Pack (2.1) - Super Mario Bros. X Forums
2021年9月15日 · Share and discuss custom LunaLua code and content packs for SMBX2. Salut! This is... Not my first NPC pack, but probably last one, since it will be the only one i'll work on …
[NPC Pack] Nameful Novelties Pack - Original(-ish) NPCs galore!
2023年7月10日 · As each NPC here has their own download links! With the original concept & spritework made by Emral... Here's a set of various platforms that activates when you land on …
【转载】如何使用 NPC/Block/Other Packs - SMBX World
2024年9月18日 · 您将在此论坛中找到的一种内容是 NPC 包(或 Block 包、BGO 包或 Effect 包……甚至可能是混合包!但为简单起见,我将仅指 NPC 包)。 SMBX2 文档指南: …
Customizing NPCs in SMBX - Tutorial - General - WohlSoft
2014年2月15日 · It's needed as if your customized NPC won't have its own text file, it might appear glitched in SMBX. What you need to do is: 1) Create a text file in the graphics folder for …
SMBX2: A Guide on Using Custom Stuff - YouTube
People have asked me in the past to do a tutorial on how to add my npcs to their levels, here's a guide on doing so.Links mentioned:https://www.youtube.com/w...
SMBX2 - Super Mario Bros X2
Try out hundreds of new NPCs: From Baby Yoshies to Skewers! The options for levels are virtually endless! Play existing stages as your favourite characters - from Samus to Megaman! …
Guide to Custom NPCs - SMBX United - Tapatalk
2012年3月20日 · Insert the codes you want to change the NPC's behavior. Here is a list of the codes and their functions. This is the width and height of the NPCs hit box in pixels. The …
SMBX2 - Advanced Tutorials - How to make your own NPC …
2019年3月30日 · In this 2-part tutorial, I walk you through how you can create your own NPC packs. In this video, we create our first NPC spritesheet, configure it, and add ...
[NPC Pack] Chilly's NPCs: v1.1.4 Beta Update
2024年4月18日 · Share and discuss custom LunaLua code and content packs for SMBX2. From Mad Thwimps to Jade Bowser Statues, and Soaring Sparks to Victor, welcome to the post for …