Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics respond to emergency calls, performing medical services and transporting patients to medical facilities. Employment opportunities are available with municipal and private ambulances, fire …
Emergency Medical Services/Paramedicine Associate Degree
Paramedicine offers an exciting and challenging career within the field of Emergency Medical Services (EMS). Paramedics are members of the healthcare team that provides advanced-level care using standing orders, clinical judgment and medical direction of a physician.
EMT | Emergency Medical Services | My SMCC
The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course prepares the student to enter the realm of emergency medical services (EMS). The EMT course is a necessity for personnel that wish to work on an ambulance, but also benefits fire fighters, police officers, industrial safety personnel and other healthcare professions.
EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) Short-Term Training
Gain the knowledge and skills necessary to provide basic emergency medical care and transportation through lectures, practical labs, and clinical experience. Upon successful course completion, students are eligible to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) certification exam, at the EMT level.
EMT - Main View | EMT | Emergency Medical Services | My SMCC
The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course prepares the student to enter the realm of emergency medical services (EMS). The EMT course is a necessity for personnel that wish to work on an ambulance, but also benefits fire fighters, police officers, industrial safety personnel and other healthcare professions.
Southern Maine Community College EMS Department
Requirements: • Certification (NREMT) or licensure (Maine EMS) as an Emergency Medical Technician (or Advanced EMT) • English composition (ENGL 100) with a “C” or better • Any college level math (MATH 112 or greater) course with a “C” or better • Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab (BIOL 132) with a “C” or better
EMST 125 02 - Emergency Medical Technician - Southern Maine …
Upon successful course completion, students are eligible to take the National Registry of EMT's certification examinations.
EMT-Basic - Southwest Mississippi Community College Workforce …
Please call if interested! (601) 276-3836. $700 course tuition includes: textbook, workbook, shirt, clinical insurance and NREMT exam. Request Information Today!
EMS Refresher - Southwest Mississippi Community College …
Please call if interested! (601) 276-3836. Request Information Today! Southwest Mississippi Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, or disability in its programs, activities or employment practices.
Advanced EMT Training Academy Short-Term Training - Southern …
Learn basic and limited advanced emergency medical care and transportation for critical and emergent patients accessing the emergency medical system. Students must possess basic knowledge and skills necessary to provide patient care and transportation.