GitHub - semanticdatalayer/SML: Open-source repository for …
Semantic Modeling Language, or SML for short, encompasses over a decade of hands-on development, solving use cases for hundreds of customers across industries such as finance, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, CPG, and more. SML covers more than just tabular use cases.
Standard ML - Wikipedia
Standard ML (SML) is a general-purpose, high-level, modular, functional programming language with compile-time type checking and type inference. It is popular for writing compilers, for programming language research, and for developing theorem provers.
SML/sml-reference/dataset.md at main · semanticdatalayer/SML
A SQL query used to pull data from a specific connection defined within the repository, similar to a database view. This determines whether the dataset file defines a query dataset.
SML/sml-reference/model.md at main · semanticdatalayer/SML
In SML, a model is a metadata layer that overlays a multi-dimensional model format on top of the datasets stored in a connected database. The model is virtual, meaning the data is not moved or processed up front. Instead, it contains the logic about …
SML Syntax Cheatsheet | SML Help
Use the val keyword to create variables. It binds values to identifiers (variable names). Create local bindings (local variables) to compute a let -expression. Place declarations and bindings …
2024年3月19日 · SML格式包括L(List)、B(binary)、U1、U2、U4和A等元素类型,用于表示不同类型的数据。 通过举例说明了各种元素类型的使用方式,帮助读者理解和应用SML格式。
第 9 课:SML入门/基于SPU迁移机器学习算法实践 - CSDN博客
2024年6月30日 · • 与simulation不同,此时需要先将明文数据”密封” ,否则SPU会将其视作Public数据而无法密态下计算! • Q1:怎么知道SPU支持哪些算子? 1. 自己动手: simulation, emulation. 2. 参考文档: • Q2:怎么知道非线形算子大致的误差范围? 1. 系统设定误差 (如环大小,fxp大小,truncation协议等) 2. 非线性算子拟合误差. • Q3:为什么明文下运行正常,密态下运行错误? 1. 实现的算法是否jitable (即使用@jax.jit是否能运行) 2. 是否使用了SPU不支持的算子. 1. 是否可 …
python如何打开sml文件 – PingCode
2024年12月27日 · 要在Python中打开SML文件,可以使用以下几种方法:使用Python内置的文件操作函数、利用第三方库如xml.etree.ElementTree解析、根据文件格式选择合适的库和工具。
SECS Message Language - PEER Group
SML is a general notation to describe individual SECS Data Items and complete SECS messages. As a benefit to the semiconductor industry, PEER Group donated all intellectual property rights in SML to the public domain for use without license, attribution, or fee. See our press release for details. The format of a complete SECS message is:
Standard ML Basis Library
The SML Basis Library provides interfaces and operations for basic types, such as integers and strings, support for input and output (I/O), interfaces to basic operating system interfaces, and support for standard datatypes, such as options and lists.