SML | 零售及各行业的数字识别解决方案
sml 是一家面向品牌和零售商的全球性、rfid 和品牌解决方案提供商,利用创新技术在设计、制造、物流和零售方面提供最佳解决方案。
关于我们 | SML
凭借过去逾 35 年来累积的零售经验,我们创新的单品级 RFID 及 品牌识别解决方案 为各行各业创造优秀业绩及迅速 ROI。 赋能品牌转型,聚力共赢。 致力于提供科技驱动解决方案,成为新 …
SML-P11MTT86R ROHM Semiconductor | Mouser 臺灣
Lumex SML-LXR/SMD-LXR RGB Surface-Mount LEDs - Mouser …
2020年4月27日 · The SMD-LX5050RGB-TR LED features a low profile, low drive current, and an IC-embedded driver. This RGB LED easily adapts odd size and different shape or material …
什么是 RFID 标签以及它们如何工作? - SML
sml rfid 为全球企业设计了数百种不同的嵌体。 这种种类繁多的 RFID 标签允许零售商跟踪服装、眼镜、化妆品、香水、配饰和其他产品,而不会对包装或服装标签产生负面影响。
SML-LXR44IC-TR Lumex | Mouser - Mouser Electronics
SML-LXR44IC-TR Lumex Single Color LEDs Right Angle Red datasheet, inventory, & pricing.
IP3842N SML IC Chips | Censtry
IP3842N SML are new and original and in stock for sale with 180 days warranty! view product specifications of Integrated Circuits (ICs) and datasheet pdf,
IP3524BJ SML |IC-Osagaiak
SML IP3524BJ agindu ahal izateko, ikusi IP3524BJ inbentarioa eta eskatu aurrekontua, bisitatu IC-Osagaiak, osagai elektronikoen banatzaile fidagarria.IC-osagaiek prezio, kalitate zerbitzua …
- 评论数: 743
SML-S13M ROHM | IC-Components
To order ROHM SML-S13M, view SML-S13M inventory and request a quote, visit IC-Components, a trusted online distributor of electronic components. IC-Components will …
- 评论数: 359
SML-LX1210IGC-TR Lumex | Mouser 臺灣 - Mouser Electronics
Include 2 LEDs with water clear lens, 1 with built-in IC, and one with 3-channel LED driver.