The SML - Macula-Lens
The SML is an intraocular sulcus lens that has a bifocal design with a central optical zone of 1.5mm in diameter. This optical zone provides a +10 diopter addition for patients. The …
Home - Macula-Lens
The SML is a joint innovation of Prof. Gábor Scharioth and Medicontur Medical Engineering, a medical device company with 30 years of focused experience with intraocular implants. The …
Scharioth Macula Lens - Medicontur
Scharioth Macula Lens A45SML Single-piece bifocal IOL for the visual correction of AMD by implanting into the ciliary sulcus in addition to a primary IOL in the patient’s pseudophakic eye …
Implantation of Scharioth macula lens in patients with age-related ...
2019年7月7日 · Recently, there has been a report on the use of wavefront optimised IOL to provide enhanced quality of image on the macula during cataract surgery in patients with …
MACULA LENS - The SML | Medicontur
The pupil is constricted (near vision miosis) and light rays pass through the central region of the SML, providing a magnified image on the macula (Figure 1). Due to the high dioptric power of …
SML targets solely pseudophakic patients with advanced DRY AMD, offering them a convenient, simple and safe solution to restore their near vision impaired by AMD. SML - New Technology …
Scharioth Macula Lens: A new intraocular implant for low-vision ...
The SML is a new add-on intraocular lens designed to increase uncorrected near visual acuity (UCVA) in patients with stabilized maculopathy. Methods: Eight patients were included in the …
Scharioth macula lens: Three-year follow-up - ScienceDirect
2024年3月1日 · The Scharioth Macula Lens (SML, Medicontur) is a magnifying intraocular lens designed for pseudophakic patients. The SML is implanted in the ciliary sulcus of one eye, …
Scharioth Macula Lens (SML) – Mr Anish Shah FRCOphth
2017年5月26日 · The Scharioth Macula Lens (SML) is a magnifying add-on lens implant, designed for eyes which have already had cataract surgery and which also have macular …
The SML Experience - Macula-Lens
The SML is a joint innovation of Prof. Gábor Scharioth and Medicontur Medical Engineering, a medical device company with 30 years of focused experience with intraocular implants. The …