Before the questionnaire is administered, try to get the person to sit down facing you. Assess the person’s ability to hear and understand very simple conversation, e.g. What is your name? If the person uses hearing or visual aids, provide these before starting. 2. Introduce yourself and try to get the person’s confidence.
简易精神状态检查表MMSE( Minimum Mental State Examination)
简易 精神状态 量表或称简易精神状态 检查表 (Mini-Mental State Examination, MMSE)由Folstein等人于1975年编制,是最具影响的标准化智力状态 检查工具 之一,其作为 认知障碍 检查方法,可以用于 阿尔茨海默病 的筛查,简单易行。 阿尔茨海默病 即所谓的老年 痴呆症,是一种进行性发展的致死性 神经退行性疾病,临床表现为认知和 记忆功能 不断恶化,日常生活能力进行性减退,并有各种 神经精神症状 和 行为障碍。 阿尔茨海默病尚无根治的方法,因此,对疑似阿 …
Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination. Use and interpretation
Main message: The SMMSE, a standardized approach to scoring and interpreting older people's cognitive function, provides a global score of cognitive ability that correlates with daily function. Careful interpretation of results of the SMMSE, together with history and physical assessment, can assist in differential diagnosis of cognitive ...
The SMMSE tool and guidelines are provided for use in Australia by the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority under a licence agreement with the copyright owner, Dr D. William Molloy. The SMMSE Guidelines for administration and scoring instructions and the SMMSE tool must not be used outside Australia without the written consent of
Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination. Use and …
1993年5月12日 · Careful interpretation of results of the SMMSE, together with history and physical assessment, can assist in differential diagnosis of cognitive impairment resulting from Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies, or depression. Repeated measurements can be used to assess change over time and response to treatment.
Standardised Mini-Mental State Examination (SMMSE) Molloy DW, Alemayehu E, Roberts R. Reliability of a standardized Mini-Mental State Examination compared with the traditional Mini-Mental state Examination. American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 14, 1991a, pp.102-105. The Standardised Mini-Mental State Examination (SMMSE) is the copyright
Since Dr. Marshall Folstein first developed the Mini- Mental State Examination (MMSE) in 1975, it has become widely used as a screening test for cognitive impairment and it is routinely used as an inclusion / exclusion criterion and outcome measure in clinical trials.
三步命令 (0-3分):给被测试者一张空白的平纸,要求对方按你的命令去做,注意不要重复或示范.只有他们按正确顺序做的动作才算正确,每个正确动作计1分. 4.阅读能力 (0-1分):拿出一张"闭上您的眼睛"卡片给被测试者看,要求被测试者读它并按要求去做.只有他们确实闭上眼睛才能得分. 5. 书写能力 (0-1分):给被测试者一张白纸,让他们自发的写出一句完整的句子.句子必须有主语,动词,并有意义.注意你不能给予任何提示.语法和标点的错误可以忽略. 6.结构能力 (0-1分):在一张白纸上画有交 …
Provided by the Alzheimer’s Drug Therapy Initiative for physician use. STANDARDIZED MINI-MENTAL STATE EXAMINATION (SMMSE) QUESTION
Standardised Mini-Mental State Examination - IHACPA
The SMMSE was developed by Dr D. William Molloy and Timothy I. M. Standish in 1997 to provide scoring instructions and clear and unambiguous guidelines for administration of the MMSE tool, in order to increase reliability and reduce variability.