SMOK AL85 - Battery Issue - E-Cigarette Forum
2017年9月5日 · Smok AL85 is a one cell device, 55w on a single cell is pushing it, combined with the al85 high low voltage cutoff half a day is about right depending on how much you vape. Authentic LG battery(s)? The baby beast is a delivery device/ 'tank', al85 is the power device.[/QU
Smok AL85 - "Check Battery" message | Page 2 - E-Cigarette Forum
2017年3月10日 · It's fairly cheap and she's dropped it about 5 or 6 times on to a concrete floor. It serves its purpose and it doesn't break the bank to just buy another one. Hers after you change the battery jumps the watts to 80 from the regular 20 that she uses all by itself. I'm new to all of this but I do feel that smok al85 have some electronic glitches.
Smok AL85 check battery?? Tank - E-Cigarette Forum
2017年10月2日 · Smok AL85 - "Check Battery" message. steve joe; Mar 10, 2017; New Members: Introduce Yourself! 2. Replies ...
Smok AL85 charging problems - E-Cigarette Forum
2019年5月21日 · A friend gave me a smok al85 and I’m having trouble. I’ve searched and haven’t been able to find an answer. The battery will be completely charged but after just a few puffs it will say either low battery or check battery and won’t work. I bought a new battery and it didn’t help.
Smok AL85 charging issues? - E-Cigarette Forum
2017年7月7日 · I bought a Smok al85 about a week ago and it's the first vape I've ever owned. I have noticed that the battery levels are being displayed or measured very inaccurately. For example, often times it will display my battery level as below 50% when it's not being charged, then you plug in the charger and it claims the battery level is at let's say 90%.
Is this a safe battery for my SMOK AL85 - E-Cigarette Forum
2017年9月3日 · The al85 has a high low voltage cutoff, 3.4v - 3.5v. 70w / 3.4v + 10% device inefficiency = 22.55a Sony vtc 5A & LGHD series will work well but will have a short overall and between recharge cycle lifespan due to being used near CDR.
Smok AL85 screen problems - E-Cigarette Forum
2013年5月8日 · I've had my smok al85 for a few months now. A couple of days ago I noticed when I switched out the battery that the screen now has a line going up the front. It looks as if it's cracked but it's actually a line of light. I'm sorry I can't describe it …
Smok AL85 - "Check Battery" message - E-Cigarette Forum
2017年3月10日 · Being the al85 is a single cell device the choices are somewhat limited if you intend to use 60w or above. On the chart given above the Mooch amp rating is the starting point, then the mah. It is a balancing act, select cells that give you sufficient amperage for the power range then acceptable run time (mah).
Coil Help Smok AL85 - E-Cigarette Forum
2017年6月20日 · The Smok AL85 Yes the baby beast Authentic 50/50 30Watts (Slightly more than previous coil which I used 25 Air Flow is fully open I've checked in the chamber and it's clear. I have got used to it now but it seems to consume a lot more liquid! •••
Smok AL85 battery problem - E-Cigarette Forum
2016年7月17日 · The al85 has a 3.48v - 3.5v low voltage cutoff. 55w / 3.5v + 10% power device inefficiancy = 17.28a demand from cell. Your batteries are telling you they are rapidly approaching or are at the end of their useful life.