A HIF-Regulated VHL-PTP1B-Src Signaling Axis Identifies a
2011年6月1日 · To identify cellular signaling networks differentially regulated in RCC subgroups, we performed quantitative phosphoproteomics on SN12C clear cell carcinoma cells, which retain VHL protein expression, and its isogenic subline SN12C-shVHL, which has reduced VHL by short hairpin RNA (shRNA) knockdown (7, 18–20).
VHL loss in renal cell carcinoma leads to up-regulation of CUB
2011年1月13日 · We confirmed that CDCP1 mRNA was robustly induced by hypoxic exposure of RCC4-VHL cells (Fig. 1 A). Additionally, we show that CDCP1 protein is induced upon hypoxic exposure (0.5% O 2) in kidney cancer cells with WT VHL (ACHN, SN12C, and Caki-1) (Fig. 1 B), although SN12C and Caki-1 have considerable expression under normoxic conditions.
VHL基因突变与肾癌 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)病( 希佩尔·林道综合征 )的特点是3号染色体VHL基因杂合性生殖系突变。患者容易发展成大脑、脊髓和视网膜的血管母细胞瘤;肾囊肿和透明细胞肾细胞癌;嗜铬细胞瘤、胰腺囊肿和神经内分泌肿瘤;内淋巴的囊肿瘤;附睾囊肿和阔韧带囊肿。
VHL suppresses autophagy and tumor growth through PHD1 …
2024年2月15日 · In this report, we demonstrate that VHL suppresses nutrient stress-induced autophagy in ccRCC cells by directly binding to Beclin1 hydroxylated at P54 by PHD1 and inhibiting the association of ATG14 with Beclin1/VPS34. Beclin1 P54A knock-in expression abrogates VHL-mediated autophagy inhibition and promotes tumor growth.
A Molecule Targeting VHL-Deficient Renal Cell Carcinoma ... - Cell …
We evaluated the possibility of targeting VHL-deficient cells through a synthetic lethality approach by screening for small molecules that exhibit toxicity to renal cells lacking VHL. We identified a compound, STF-62247, which was selectively cytotoxic toward VHL-deficient cells in …
A molecule targeting VHL-deficient Renal Cell Carcinoma that …
2008年7月8日 · We evaluated the possibility of targeting VHL-deficient cells through a synthetic lethality approach by screening for small molecules that exhibited toxicity to renal cells lacking VHL. We identified a compound, STF-62247, which was selectively cytotoxic towards VHL-deficient cells in vitro and in vivo.
STF-62247 induces cytotoxicity and reduces tumor growth of VHL-deficient RCC cells compared to genetically matched cells with wild-type VHL. STF-62247-stimulated toxicity occurs in a HIF-independent manner through autophagy.
Hypoxia-inducible factor determines sensitivity to inhibitors
2005年12月11日 · To provide functional evidence that reduced HIF levels are responsible for decreased growth in CCI-779–treated cells, we transduced SN12C VHL knockdown cells with VHL-resistant HIF1A or HIF2A...
Choosing the right cell line for renal cell cancer research
2016年12月19日 · vhl mutant cell lines are easily accessible; 786-O, 769-P, RCC4 (with reintroduced vhl control cell line available), are the most widely studied models for VHL role in RCC. Apart from gene mutation, vhl promoter region methylation often occurs in ccRCC samples which effects in no protein expression.
To identify cellular signaling networks differentially regulated in RCC subgroups, we performed quantitative phosphoproteomics on SN12C clear cell carcinoma cells, which retain VHL protein expression, and its isogenic subline SN12C-shVHL, which has reduced VHL by short hairpin RNA (shRNA) knockdown ( 7, 18–20).
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