XPS spectra of Sn4d and Zn3d core levels near the ZnO
Download scientific diagram | XPS spectra of Sn4d and Zn3d core levels near the ZnO/CTSO interface taken with three different sputtering times. from publication: Electrochemical Deposition of...
a and b are XPS core level spectra of Sn4d and valence
We propose a simple additive approach to simulate X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) of macromolecules based on the $GW$ method. Single-shot $GW$ ($G_0W_0$) is a promising technique to compute...
Surface Properties of SnO2 Nanowires Deposited on Si Substrate …
2018年9月18日 · The spectra contain well-recognized main core XPS levels: O1s, double Sn3d, single C1s, and Sn4d peaks, correspondingly labelled. The evident contribution of the XPS C1s peak can be attributed to the carbon contamination adsorbed at …
锡 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
以外来 C1s 谱峰 (284.8 eV) 作为基准进行氧化物荷电校正。 • 采集 XPS 价带谱,以区分 SnO 和 SnO2。 Sn3d 区域具有明显的自旋轨道分裂峰 (Δ 金属 =8.4 eV)。 金属峰的峰形不对称。 观察到锡金属的 3d 3/2 自旋轨道分裂峰的高结合能侧有能量损失特征谱。 SnO 和 SnO 2 的结合能相似。 使用 XPS 价带谱来区分这些氧化物。 根据考古证据,据信人们使用锡的历史至少有5500年,使其成为最早已知的金属之一。 锡在地壳中的含量很小,约0.001%。 锡从矿物锡石中提取而得。 …
XPS and ToF-SIMS study of Sn–Co alloy thin films as anode for lithium ...
2010年12月15日 · Sn–Co alloy films were prepared by electroplating on copper and used as anode material of lithium ion battery. Cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic discharge/charge measurements were combined with surface analysis by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS).
XPS (in arb.units) of Sn 4d spin-orbit doublet in a) PE and b) FE ...
Electronic properties of uniaxial ferroelectric Sn2P2S6 single crystal are studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) of the valence band (VB) and of the...
(XPS) – The Highlights • Elemental and chemical state analysis of the outer surface of a solid samples • Effective probing depth 5-10 nm • Varies slightly with sample composition • Can be varied with electron take- off (or sample) angle • Detects elements from lithium to uranium • Quantitative • 0.01 to 0.5 atomic % detection limits
请教Sn的XPS数据如何分析? - 催化 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 互动社区
XPSによるSn表面の状態評価(C0603) - MST
2020年7月2日 · Sn表面のXPS分析では、通常評価に用いる3d軌道による定量・状態分析と併せ、4d軌道を用いることで酸化数(2価Sn2+ (SnO)、4価Sn4+ (SnO2))を分離し、割合を算出することが可能です。 また、価電子帯をみることで低価数状態(2価Sn2+ (SnO))が極僅かな場合でも敏感に検知することができます。 本資料では、はんだ表面について各軌道を用いてSnの評価を行った例を紹介します。 ※その他メタルの価数評価に関しては「ケミカルシフトによる …
Electronic structure of the doped SnO2 | Science China Chemistry …
SnO 2 doped with La, Ce, Sm, Zn, Ca, Al and Sb was prepared by sol-gel technique and characterized by TEM, BET, XPS and XAES. The effect of the dopants on the grain sizes of SnO 2 was described and especially the effect of dopants on the distribution of the electronic state density (DESD) of Sn4d orbital was studied deeply by using X-ray ...