etymology - Researching the real origin of SNAFU - English …
Fred Shapiro has provided evidence that "snafu" was in use at Camp Joseph T. Robinson (North Little Rock, Arkansas) in late July, 1941, a sighting that slightly antedates that which the OED …
When did the word "snafu" enter the colloquial vernacular?
2014年4月10日 · Snafu is a service slang word compounded out of the initial letters of the words in a phrase politely translated: "Situation normal, all fouled up." Pernicious snafu is somethings …
Is using the word "snafu" instead of the word "problem" correct?
2016年2月29日 · A snafu typically doesn't develop over years, but more typically over a period of weeks or months, and occasionally hours or days. (The "Charge of the Light Brigade" was a …
What does "something 101" mean? [closed] - English Language
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their …
Word for abbreviations that have become standard words
2014年2月24日 · The word snafu, for example, was originally an obscene U.S. Army reference (situation normal -- all f'ed up"), and fad is purportedly originally an acronym for "for a day". …
What is the term for words that have changed meaning over time?
2012年11月26日 · For example, in relation to this question on Workplace Stack Exchange the term snafu was of military origin and was used to define a person, team, organisation, etc that …
I need a word for things not going your way
2016年3月22日 · SNAFU which stands for: "Situation Normal All Fk'd Up" SNAFU was a flag we used to fly on our ship during the Vietnam War -- our unofficial motto was: The schedule has …
verbs - Proper way to add tense to acronyms, abbreviations and ...
@JoeZ. I have to agree with Matt. FUBAR is an adjectival phrase; here, "beyond all recognition" means "into an unrecognizable form." It's an intensification of SNAFU ("situation normal, all …
etymology - What is origin of the phrase "tits up" - English …
2024年11月4日 · It aligns nicely with one of the other classic expressions - SNAFU. It is reasonable the true origin was military and the acronym invented to ( ~ politely) fit on some …
Do you use "a" or "an" before acronyms / initialisms?
2010年8月16日 · a URL, a snafu, a Charlie Foxtrot, a moron the URL, the snafu, the Charlie Foxtrot, the moron (all pronounced /ðə/) Most native English speakers never notice that there …