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Expressions of SH3BP5, LMO3, and SNAP25 in diffuse large B‐cell ...
2016年5月17日 · The SH 3 BP 5, LMO 3, and SNAP 25 proteins were expressed in 60% (103/173), 34% (59/175), and 46% (77/168) of DLBCL patients, respectively. These protein …
LMO MZO لاما المزروع (@llalmazrou) - Snapchat
5 天之前 · LMO MZO🕊 لاما المزروع is on Snapchat! (@llalmazrou) | ترخيص إعلامي (178186) للتواصل والإعلانات: +966 56 446 4366 [email protected] | Riyadh, Saudi Arabia | Last updated: 10/25/2024
Expressions of SH3BP5, LMO3, and SNAP25 in diffuse large B- cell lymphoma cells and their association with clinical features Kyoko Kobayashi1, Motoko Yamaguchi1, Kana Miyazaki1, Hiroshi Imai2, Kaori Yokoe3, Ryoichi Ono4, Tetsuya Nosaka4 & Naoyuki Katayama1
Expression of LMO3 and SNAP25 in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma …
2014年12月6日 · We identified LMO3 and SNAP25 expressions in DLBCL cells. The other four proteins were not detected in DLBCL cells of the study. SNAP25 was expressed in the cytoplasm of DLBCL cells, whereas LMO3 was expressed in the nucleus of DLBCL cells. LMO3 was positive in 35% (58/164) and SNAP25 was positive in 45% (74/164) of the patients examined.
Expressions of SH3BP5, LMO3, and SNAP25 in diffuse large B-cell ...
2016年5月17日 · DLBCL cells can express SH3BP5, LMO3, and SNAP25 proteins. The SH3BP5 and LMO3 protein expressions are associated with clinical features of DLBCL patients.
Expressions of SH3BP5, LMO3, and SNAP25 in diffuse large B‐cell ...
This is the first report showing the protein expressions of SH3BP5, LMO3, and SNAP25 in DLBCL cells and their clinical significance in patients withDLBCL and there was no significant difference between groups. Diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is clinicopathologically and genetically heterogeneous with variable clinical outcomes. We previously identified signature genes overexpressed in ...
Expression of LMO3 and SNAP25 in Diffuse Large B ... - Semantic …
At a median follow-up of 84 months, the LMO3+ group also showed a significantly worse OS than the LMO3- group ( P = 0.034, 5-year OS; 46% and 64%, respectively). There was no significant difference in OS between SNAP25+ and SNAP- groups.
Validation of SH3BP5, LMO3, and SNAP25 protein expression in …
Synaptosomal-associated protein 25 kDa (SNAP-25) is localized on the synapse and participates in exocytosis and neurotransmitter release.
Expressions of SH3BP5, LMO3, and SNAP25 in diffuse large B-cell ...
2016年5月1日 · Only three protein expressions, SH3BP5, LMO3, and SNAP25, were detected in DLBCL cells and then analyzed further with samples from 187 patients with DLBCL, NOS. The SH3BP5, LMO3, and SNAP25...