Sinterklaas - Wikipedia
Sinterklaas is the basis for the North American figure of Santa Claus. It is often claimed that during the American War of Independence, the inhabitants of New York City, a former Dutch …
The Story of Sinterklaas
2022年4月9日 · Built around the image of Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children, Sinterklass (the name resulting from the contraction of Sint Nikolaas) is a legendary Christmas figure …
Santa Claus - Wikipedia
Santa Claus (also known as Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle or Santa) is a legendary figure [1] originating in Western Christian culture who is said to bring gifts during …
小知识:为什么圣诞老人叫作“Santa Claus”? - 沪江英语
从中我们可以知道,美国的圣诞老人的确来源于St. Nicholas这个形象。 至于为嘛叫“Santa Claus”,这主要是因为在荷兰,英文的“St. Nicholas”被读作“Sinterklaas”,传到美国去后,美 …
Sinterklaas: The Real Santa Claus in the Netherlands
2023年12月5日 · Sinterklaas (Dutch: Sint-Nicolaas) or simply De Sint, in French Saint-Nicolas, is the main character and the name of the holiday for children celebrated in the Netherlands on …
圣诞老人(Santa Claus),是西方神话传说中的人物,在传说中西方圣诞节前夜时悄悄赠送礼物给小孩子,是耶稣基督诞辰瞻礼即西方圣诞节的代表角色之一。
Santa Claus vs Sinterklaas - Difference and Comparison | Diffen
What's the difference between Santa Claus and Sinterklaas? Sinterklaas (also called Sint-Nicolaas in Dutch and Saint Nicolas in French) is a traditional holiday figure in the Netherlands …
Sinterklaas: The Dutch Tradition Behind December 5th
2024年12月7日 · While many countries celebrate Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, the Dutch have their own version of the bearded gift-giver with a story, traditions, and customs that date back …
Sinterklaas v Santa Claus: What's the difference? - I amsterdam
2016年12月7日 · They both work in the same sector, wear red, and have a big white beard. So what's the difference between Sinterklaas and Santa Claus? Read on for I amsterdam's …
Sinterklaas: The Man, The Myth, The Dutch Legend
2024年9月2日 · Sinterklaas is a cornerstone of Dutch culture, a figure so deeply ingrained in the national psyche that he transcends mere holiday folklore. Let’s delve into the origins and …