Sneaky (gamer) - Wikipedia
Zachary Scuderi, better known as Sneaky, is a professional League of Legends player, streamer, and crossplayer. He played AD Carry for Cloud9 of the League of Legends Championship Series North America until 2019.
Sneaky - Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki - Fandom
2013年6月23日 · Zachary "Sneaky" Scuderi is a League of Legends esports player, currently owner of and advisor for Cloud9. For the Dutch AD carry, see Sneaky (Chris Esser).
Zach Scuderi (@zachscud) • Instagram photos and videos
Professional league of legends player and streamer! Twitch.tv/sneakylol Twitter.com/sneaky Business inquires: [email protected]
Sneaky - YouTube
Sneaky playing games that aren't League of Legends. The BUG CATCHER and ONE-SHOTS compilations playlist. Professional League of Legends player and streamer!
Sneaky - Liquipedia League of Legends Wiki
Zachary "Sneaky" Scuderi (born March 19, 1994) is an American player who last played as the AD Carry for Cloud9. He is currently holding an advisory position for the team.
Sneaky ⇒ League of Legends ⇒ LOLNow.gg
2024年10月7日 · Sneaky is a retired professional League of Legends player who gained fame as the AD Carry for Cloud9. Known for his exceptional gameplay mechanics and strategic mind, Sneaky has become an influential figure in the League of Legends community.
2023年10月7日 · 在如今世界赛即将到来之际,Sneaky也是没有“忘本”,在推特上再次发布了自己的新作品,并且配文:100场卢锡安69%胜率,但大家的关注点,都放在了COS身上,一身猛男粉搭配,如果不说这是COS,还真的很难看得出来,这是个男生。 而老东家C9俱乐部,也在下方评论:你真的好火辣,兄弟,看得出来Sneaky这波操作,实在给C9的选手们“加油打气”,毕竟今年C9也打进世界赛了,而且是LCS赛区的二号种子,不过这应援方式,放在整个电竞圈,那也 …
【LOL】女装大佬Sneaky官宣:暂时退役 !粉丝:要专心女装直 …
不知不觉中英雄联盟的赛场上已有这么多老将了——Sneaky出生于1994年,在赛场上征战了七年,这点和咱们LPL赛区的厂长一样。 Sneaky除了职业是C9战队的ad选手以外,他最为大家所熟知的还是他的Cosplay的天赋,不少粉丝看了他的cos照片后,纷纷表示自己沦陷了 ...
Sneaky - TrackingThePros
1994年3月19日 · front attack? HUH?! Sneaky, or Zachary Scuderi, is an ADC and NA resident.
sneakylol - Twitch
Watch Sneakylol stream a variety of games on Twitch.
2019年11月29日 · Sneaky,C9电子竞技俱乐部ADC,他和柠檬国度的组合曾经席卷北美,S4总决赛上大战deft丝毫不落下风,让Sneaky声名鹊起。 2013年夏天,C9从二级联赛打上北美LCS,这股蓝白旋风迅速席卷了北美,他们在首个LCS赛季就击败了TSM夺得夏季赛冠军,Sneaky可谓居功 …
2025年2月21日 · LOL观众都把Sneaky称作“女装大佬”,这也让Sneaky,有了在COS圈闯荡的想法,在S10赛季宣布退役之后,他就一发不可收拾了,同年发布了一堆COS作品,当年就提名了年度电竞Cosplay奖,虽然最后没有获奖,但这次的提名,也让Sneaky声名大噪,逐渐成为了一位专业 …
Sneaky Builds Adc - lolvvv
Best Builds of professional LoL player Sneaky (Zachary Scuderi). Sneaky plays on Adc position.
Sneaky - ESports Wiki | Fandom
Zachary "Sneaky" Scuderi is a professional American League of Legends player, currently playing ADC for Cloud9 in North American League of Legends Championship Series.
Sneaky stats - Games of Legends - gol.gg
View all Sneaky stats: Win Rate, KDA, champion pool, personal best, builds, match histories, ...
Sneaky/Tournament Results - Leaguepedia | League of Legends …
Fandom's League of Legends Esports wiki covers tournaments, teams, players, and personalities in League of Legends.
Sneakylol - Twitch Streamer Profile & Bio - TopTwitchStreamers
He has two sisters, one being streamer, LilRhea. He originally started playing Heroes of Newerth on his friends account, which was called ‘SneakyCastro.’. His current username pays homage to those origins. C9Sneaky has been playing video games since he was introduced to them by his dad during childhood.
Sneaky - Zachary Scuderi - LoL Player Profile | Esports Charts
Sneaky LoL Overview of Sneaky in LoL - Sneaky esports statistics, tournaments, networth, gears and more
League of Legends Spotlight: Who is Sneaky? - RealSport101
2022年7月25日 · Zach "Sneaky" Scuderi is one of the most well-known faces in the pro-League of Legends scene. His face is also known for morphing into others too... but we'll get to that later.
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