Snell knots breaking or cutting or tying wrong
2010年1月31日 · I'm not sure what hook you are using but I have the best luck with an offset eye when using a snell knot. I had a little hard going at first too with a straight eye and since a good friend corrected me, an offset eye circle hook with a snell knot and 60 lb mono leader is all I use.
Snell vs Clinch on Circle Hooks - Catfish Angler Forum at USCA
2019年12月4日 · I snell my circle hooks and palomar on everything else. The palomar is good on braid and mono. I have total confidence in my knots/line selection and that is important. BTW, this system has been tested for years by me and others on large fish (50-200lbs) offshore also.
How do you store snelled hooks | Catfish Angler Forum at USCA
2006年6月7日 · Would like to know how everyone stores snelled hooks in there tackle box. I'm looking for a way to keep them from getting all tangled in storage before use.
octopus circle hooks ... snell?? | Catfish Angler Forum at USCA
2009年6月16日 · I snell everything from size 6 gill hooks, to 8/0 Gama Octopus Circle. I am not that experienced yet to tell the difference between the palomer hook up % versus the snell, but the hook does sit in a better position with the snell. :cool2:
"The Snell Knot vs. The Palomar Knot" - Catfish Angler Forum at …
2008年5月10日 · the snell and palomar are both great knots that have their proper applications while fishing. i use the palomar on straight eyed hooks, and the snell on up or downturned eyes. neither one has ever failed me. i have been looking at ringed hooks lately, as they seem to work like a swivel, the same way a palomar knot does. all the same, though, because i would attatch the ring with a palomar anyway!
How to Snell Catfish Hooks - Catfish Angler Forum at USCA
2005年8月30日 · the hook will hang vertical, In my opinion this is one of the secrets of circle hooks hooking up fish, you need that straight line pull from the pole to the hook for a circle to rotate in the corner of a cats mouth.
Warning: Snell knot on straight eye hooks. - catfish1.com
2015年9月17日 · I used to snell all of my hooks, even straight eye TC DACH. It worked fine for smaller fish, but it cost me several larger blues, due to the knot sliding up the shank of the hook and getting cut by gap in the eye of the hook. I think it is a great knot, but it …
Pre-snelled Eagle Claw Hooks? | Catfish Angler Forum at USCA
2016年4月19日 · All personal preference on how you snell, but I definitely think its much better to do it yourself then buy pre-snelled rigs. Buy the line, hooks, and swivels you want.
leader/snell tieing machine? | Catfish Angler Forum at USCA
2008年6月3日 · hey yall,i have heard people talk about a leader tieing machine that they have made to snell hooks at a very fast rate,this would help me so much if sum one could post a pic and instructions on how to make one if any one out there has.thanx -kenny
Snelling kahle hooks? - Catfish Angler Forum at USCA
2006年9月10日 · How is the best way to snell a kahle hook for the best hook set? Have to line come out toward the hook point (bottom) or have it come out on the back of the hook (top)? I posted pics of what im talking about.