2019年12月9日 · isoPick采用GRID单细胞腔室分离与光学信号验证相结合的分选技术,能够保证分选所得的单细胞样品中只有一个单细胞。 单细胞组学 单细胞可视化分选培养系统—isoCell new
近場掃描光學顯微鏡 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
近场扫描光学显微镜 (nsom/snom)是一个 显微镜 技术,用于结构调查,其利用渐逝波的特性打破远场中繞射極限 。 在snom, 激发 激光光透过一个直径小于雷射波长的孔徑聚焦,从而在孔徑的遠端產生消逝场。
3D printing of plasmonic nanofocusing tip enabling high …
2023年9月6日 · Here we present design and 3D printing of a fiber-bound polymer-core/gold-shell spiral-grating conical tip that allows for coupling the inner incident optical signal to the outer surface plasmon...
Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy - ScienceDirect Topics
Scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) is a technique capable of optically investigating the surface of a sample to form either a high-resolution two-dimensional image or to perform a local spectroscopy. Optical spectroscopy provides a wealth of information on structural and dynamical characteristics of materials.
snom 成像技术应用于研究微纳尺度上光与原子、分子、二维材料、生物大分子、非线性结构等物质相互作用的时空细 节,并阐述了所揭示的微纳尺度上光和物质相互作用的深层次物理、化学和生物学一系列新现象和新规律。
Revealing Mode Formation in Quasi‐Bound States in the …
2024年8月2日 · Here, the mode formation in quasi-BIC metasurfaces on the individual resonator level using scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM) in combination with a new image processing technique, is quantitatively investigated.
【应用案例】扫描近场光学显微镜SNOM - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
扫描近场光学显微镜(scanning near-field optical microscopy, SNOM),能在纳米尺度上探测样品的光学信息,打破了长久以来经典(或远场)光学显微镜理论分辨率的 阿贝衍射极限 ,将光学分辨率提高了几十甚至上百倍。且纵向分辨率优于横向分辨率,能够得到清晰的三维 ...
Free SPM (AFM, SNOM/NSOM, STM, MFM, - Gwyddion
Gwyddion is a modular program for SPM (scanning probe microscopy) data visualization and analysis. Primarily it is intended for the analysis of height fields obtained by scanning probe microscopy techniques (AFM, MFM, STM, SNOM/NSOM) and …
相位域采样在扫描光学近场散射显微技术(s-SNOM)中的应用- X …
扫描光学近场散射显微技术(s-SNOM,scattering-type scanning nearfield optical microscopy),是一种在纳米级别探测物质与光的近场反应(light-matter nearfield interaction)中应用广泛的表面表征技术。 s-SNOM突破了在光学显微技术中的衍射极限(diffraction limit)的限制,在表征物质复杂的近场光学特性和产生的光学现象中有着很重要的应用。
Snom Technology - Connecting your Business - Homepage
Snom equips its various products with common, modern technologies to produce maximum compatible devices. The guide is intended to provide information on which Snom devices can be used in everyday situations and what to look for to get the best communication solution. Snom offers suitable and complementary services for the devices and solutions.