2018年7月12日 · 其基本思路是:在特定条件下,每次取1~15的中的一个cqi值,在对应的调制方式和码率下,调整snr值,使其达到可接受的10% bler,则该snr值就对应所选的cqi值。
SNR-CQI Mapping for 5G Downlink Network - IEEE Xplore
Abstract: In a communication model, the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) and modulation schemes are important factors that influence the quality of the communication, and so it is vital to establish the relationship between these factors. In this work, an SNR-CQI mapping relationship was derived, which was observed ...
4G | ShareTechnote
In HSDPA, the CQI value ranges from 0 ~ 30. 30 indicates the best channel quality and 0,1 indicates the poorest channel quality. Depending which value UE reports, network transmit data with different transport block size. If network gets high CQI value from UE, it transmit the data with larger transport block size and vice versa.
5G NR 信道质量指示(CQI)概述 - CSDN博客
2022年10月4日 · CQI (CQI-Channel Quality Indication, 信道 质量指示),用于反映下行 信道 质量,是下行调度的依据。 主要流程:CQI由UE测量CSI-RS得到,并由BS 控制UE进行上报,继而BS根据CQI信息选取合适的调制阶数、码率、下行数据块大小等,以保证UE在不同的无线环境中获得最佳的下行 性能。 CQI (0~15)占用4bit,其包括全带宽CQI和子带宽CQI两种。 UE可以周期性或者事件触发性上报,当两种上报方式同时发生时,以触发性上报为准。 2. 为什么引 …
CQI、SINR、MCS、吞吐量之间的关系 - CSDN博客
cqi主要受下行参考信号的sinr影响,ue根据所测量的sinr来确定可用cqi并上报到enodeb。 此外,CQI还与UE接收机的灵敏度、MIMO传输模式和无线链路特性有关。
LTE系统中CQI与SNR映射方法.doc-全文可读 - 原创力文档
2018年8月11日 · 本文提出一种新型的snr到cqi的映射方案,对每一个cqi值算出对应的传输块大小,并进行链路级仿真得到一条snr和bler的曲线图,保证了映射的准确性,在实现自适应过程时,降低了运算复杂度。
Cycle efficient and SNR dependent CQI Decoder implementation
The paper presents a SNR dependent CQI Decoding mechanism over an existing method which utilizes the Fast Hadamard Transform (FHT) as the decoding scheme when CQI number of bits to be decoded is greater than or equal to 11 and the Viterbi Decoding scheme when CQI number of bits to be decoded is greater than 11.
5G/NR, LTE: CQI MCS SNR UE NB 之间的关系梳理 / 开普饭
2024年4月25日 · UE判决CQI的主要参数就是SINR,但是他们的映射关系不是绝对的,不同厂商是有略微差别,这个映射table一般是不对外公开的。 CQI可是看成是下行SINR的一种测量,但是不仅仅是SNR。
(PDF) Downlink SNR to CQI Mapping for Different Multiple Antenna ...
2012年9月1日 · The SNR-to-CQI mapping is required to achieve this goal. In this paper, Downlink SNR to CQI Mapping for LTE has been performed for Flat Rayleigh channel in fast fading in different...
An Overview and Performance Analysis of CQI Reporting in 5G NR …
In this paper, a detailed description and analysis of practical algorithms for CQI evaluation based on CSI-RS for the sidelink mode of the 5G communication system is presented. The processing flow includes the IFFT -based noise level estimation algorithm adjusted for operation in NR sidelink environment.
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