SNU-16 - CRL-5974 - ATCC
SNU-16 was line derived in 1987 by J. Park and associates from ascites of a patient with poorly differentiated carcinoma of the stomach. The line was established from cells taken prior to chemotherapy. This is a human cell line with the bimodal chromosome number distributions. Both modal populations were hypotetraploid.
SNU16细胞(人胃癌细胞)_思泰默细胞 - stemrecell.com
snu16细胞是左旋多巴脱羧酶(ddc)阳性 SNU16细胞有致瘤性,在半固体培养基中的集落形成效率为10% 基因未表达:N-myc、L-myc、c-cis、IGF-2或胃泌素释放肽。
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人胃癌细胞 SNU-16
国家模式与特色实验细胞资源库/中国科学院细胞库干细胞库 第4页,共6页 附件2:普通细胞的传代 一.实验前准备:
碧云天生物技术-SNU-16 (人胃癌细胞)(C6870) - Beyotime
SNU-16 was line derived in 1987 by J. Park and associates from ascites of a patient with poorly differentiated carcinoma of the stomach. The line was established from cells taken prior to chemotherapy. The cells express the surface glycoproteins carcinoembryonic antigen …
SNU-16 was line derived in 1987 by J. Park and associates from ascites of a patient with poorly differentiated carcinoma of the stomach. The line was established from cells taken prior to chemotherapy. We strongly suggest to purchase the complete medium from Cobioer.
SNU-16细胞_人胃癌细胞 - 武汉尚恩生物技术有限公司
SNU-16细胞是由J.Park于1987年从一名33岁亚洲女性低分化胃癌患者化疗前的腹水中分离出来。 SNU-16细胞VIP受体呈阳性,但缺乏胃泌素受体,N-myc、L-myc、myb和EGF受体基因没有发现扩增或重排的迹象,c-myc原癌基因表达被增强,但表达的c-erb-B-2 RNA与其他细胞系相当,以下基因没有表达:N-myc、L-myc、c-cis、IGF-2或胃泌素释放肽。 SNU-16细胞表达表面糖蛋白癌胚抗原(CEA)和TAG-72,细胞为左旋多巴脱羧酶(DDC)阳性。 部分悬浮细胞会附着瓶底, …
SNU-16细胞ATCC CRL-5974细胞 SNU16人胃癌细胞株购买价格、 …
1)复苏细胞:将含有 1mL 细胞悬液的冻存管在 37℃水浴中迅速摇晃解冻,加 入 4mL 培养基混合均 匀。 在 1000RPM 条件下离心 4 分钟,弃去上清液,补 加 1-2mL 培养基后吹匀。 然后将所有细胞悬液加入培养瓶中培 养过夜(或将 细胞悬液加入 10cm 皿中,加入约 8ml 培养基,培养过夜)。 第二天换液并 检查细胞密度。 2)细胞传代:如果细胞密度达 80%-90%,即可进行传代培养。 1. 弃去培养上清,用不含钙、镁离子的 PBS 润洗细胞 1-2 次。 2.
胞+100mL完全培养液)。若 需单独购买小包装的SNU-16 细胞完全培养液(100mL/200mL),可通过本库微信公众号(CELLCELL 或扫描下方. 养瓶进行细胞传代。请不要继续使用原培养瓶的培养液,本 �. 培养液不含抗生素。用户可根据自己实验室具体情况选择加双抗(100U/ml 青 .
SNU-16 Purified Genomic DNA, Quantitative (MYC Amplification), 3 µg - ATCC
Quantified for oncology biomarker MYC amplification via ddPCR. Discounts may be available for our fellow nonprofit organizations. Login to see your price. Verified by restriction enzyme digestion. This product is intended for laboratory research use only.
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SNU-16 人胃癌细胞
SNU16; NCI-SNU-16 SNU-16细胞是由J.Park于1987年从一名33岁亚洲女性低分化胃癌患者化疗前的腹水 中分离出来。SNU-16细胞VIP受体呈阳性,但缺乏胃泌素受体,N-myc、L-myc、myb和EGF受体基 因没有发现扩增或重排的迹象,c-myc原癌基因表达被增强,但表达的c …