Sumdog offers interactive games for personalized math and spelling practice, engaging children in fun learning experiences at home or in school.
Sumdog - Personalized math and spelling practice that children …
Sumdog's math and spelling adaptive learning games for children aged 5-14 boost engagement and fluency. Proven to accelerate progress.
Sumdog - Apps on Google Play
2022年3月4日 · Sumdog delivers highly engaging personalized practice for math and spelling, both in-school and at home. Suitable for children aged 5-14, our adaptive learning games and online rewards motivate...
Sumdog Family | Start your free trial today!
Sumdog turns routine practice into an adventure, blending engaging games and rewarding achievements with questions that align with school standards. Your kids will be so immersed in the fun, they'll forget they're actually learning!
Start a Family trial - Sumdog
Try Sumdog at home. You can use a Sumdog Family account to: Reinforce key math and literacy skills for ages 5 – 14; Engage and motivate your children through gamified activities; Find the right level for your child so they are answering questions automatically adapted to them; Start with a free trial then $8.99/month. Subscription covers 3 ...
How do I install the Sumdog app?
If you're using a mobile device you'll need to use the app instead of browser, as mobile devices don't have the operating power required for the browser version of games. The latest version of the Sumdog app is version 87. The minimum version of the Sumdog app that will run is 81.0.2.
Pets - Sumdog
How do I earn a pet? You will get your first pet on Sumdog when you first complete the diagnostic. You'll be able to select which pet you would like and give it a name. Your pet will learn a new trick each time you master a skill on Sumdog. You can master skills …
Sumdog - Signin
Sign in to Sumdog to access personalized math and spelling practice for children.
1. Slurm简介 — Slurm资源管理与作业调度系统安装配置 2021-12
Slurm (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management, http://slurm.schedmd.com/ )是开源的、具有容错性和高度可扩展的Linux集群超级计算系统资源管理和作业调度系统。 超级计算系统可利用Slurm对资源和作业进行管理,以避免相互干扰,提高运行效率。...
Sumdog on the App Store
Sumdog delivers highly engaging personalized practice for math and spelling, both in-school and at home. Suitable for children aged 5-14, our adaptive learning games and online rewards motivate children to learn and encourages regular practice.