Sunu Band - amazon.com
Using radar and augmented reality, Sunu Band enables people who are low vision and blind to travel with confidence. Mobile app included. Receive updates and customize your Sunu Band. More sensors, use Sunu Band as a compass, activity tracker and more.
像“蝙蝠”一样 帮助视障者解决出行问题 - 什么值得买
2017年11月24日 · 佩戴sunu band时,只需将声纳传感器和大拇指放在同一侧,无论将指向任何方向,都可以精准的识别该方向的障碍物。 当手指的方向出现障碍物时,手环会振动或者发出蜂鸣声来提醒使用者,并通过识别障碍物密度来调整反馈的振动和声音。
Sunu Band – The Smart Wearable Helping Blind People Maintain ... - Forbes
2020年8月30日 · The Sunu Band is an advanced mobility aid for the blind and severely sight impaired. Worn like a watch or wristband, the device uses sonar and echolocation to detect objects in...
Band, Smart Watch for The Blind - amazon.com
2019年4月22日 · Sunu Band is the only smart-band that guides your way around obstacles. It uses sonar or echolocation to detect objects up to 16 feet or 5.5 meters away. Then haptic vibration feedback informs how close (or far away) you are to obstacles. Sunu Band compliments the white cane, guide dog or low vision.
- 评论数: 5
【SUNU 聲努】SUNU Band S 超音波導盲智慧手環 - 誠品線上
Sunu Band S 導盲智慧手環先進的觸覺反饋能引導您避開上半身的障礙物,包括:樹枝、柵欄、玻璃門、落地玻璃窗、各種突出物等,排隊時能夠輕鬆掌握距離,簡約外觀設計就像戴手錶一樣簡單自然,也可以告訴您時間、方向定位,讓盲人和低視力患者能夠自由地移動,建立社會自信,增加生活自理能力,搭配定向行動訓練,可以出門去超市購物、可以到外地旅行。
LIYYA Wristband, Smart Snore Bracelet Device, Snore Relief Deivice ...
2022年12月19日 · ♥ Automatic power-off after 8 hours of activation. the stop snoring wristband with a gentle electrical pulse to adjust your mouth and open your jaw to stop snoring. Perfect Gift: Are you deeply affected, I always hear from snoring at the quiet night. Or because snoring causes awakening, breathing is not smooth.
- 评论数: 7
Sunu Band - American Printing House
The Sunu Band is a modern and sleek, smart mobility wristband that uses ultrasonic technology to detect and alert you to navigational obstacles up to 14 ft. away. Sunu Band and other APH Innovations products are not available for purchase with quota funds.
Snuru (@snuru9) • Instagram photos and videos
1 Followers, 19 Following, 0 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Snuru (@snuru9)
Snuru (@snuru01) • Instagram photos and videos
57 Followers, 68 Following, 7 Posts - Snuru (@snuru01) on Instagram: "I am 16 years old and im from finland :D"
Sunu Band – Inclusive Technology International
La banda Sunu es una banda inteligente de sonar que mejora la navegación para las personas con discapacidad visual. La banda Sunu combina el sonar o la ecolocalización con vibraciones suaves y precisas para informar al usuario sobre objetos u obstáculos dentro de su entorno.