English Phrase: So then (sentence) | PhraseMix.com
"So then..." is a way to tell what happened next in a story. He said something about going out with his friends. So then I asked him, "Wait, I thought you and I had plans for tomorrow?"
so then | English examples in context | Ludwig
"so then" is a perfectly correct and usable phrase in written English. It is used as a transition phrase to introduce a logical conclusion. Example: I failed the exam, so then I had to take it again the following month.
Therefore, hence, so, then, thus etc - Home of English Grammar
2011年7月26日 · Then is used when one speaker replies to another. So can be used in both ways. ‘The last bus has gone, so we will have to walk. (NOT ‘The last bus has gone, then we will have to walk’) (Same speaker) We use a number of expressions to show that what is said follows logically from what was said before. Keywords are: Therefore, as a result,
SO THEN in Thesaurus: 67 Synonyms & Antonyms for SO THEN
What's the definition of So then in thesaurus? Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define So then meaning and usage.
word usage - Is there any difference between "so" and "then" in …
2021年4月22日 · Generally speaking, then is used with two people talking, or as two sentences, like you have demonstrated above. (Example: "You wanted to meet her? Then go over there." - It assumes an empty response, from the other person, between the sentences.)
so, then | English examples in context - Ludwig
High quality example sentences with “so, then” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig: your English writing platform
use so then in a sentence, so then example sentences, how to …
use "so then" in a sentence We caught our quota of fish for the day in the first two hours so then we had to stop. i'll tell him so then. if so then i want you to do something for me. That will make us even. Beautiful women die young or so the saying goes. if so …
So vs. Then — What’s the Difference?
2024年3月26日 · "So" indicates a cause or reason, leading to a result or effect, whereas "then" refers to a sequence in time, suggesting what comes next or follows logically. "So" is primarily used to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between two statements.
Thus vs. Therefore vs. Hence vs. So – Difference Explained
So “So” has the broadest range and is the most frequently used. It can mean “like this” or “in this manner”, especially when demonstrating an action or example. It is also used in the same way as “therefore” to make a deduction. “So far”, like “thus far” means “up until now”.
so then example sentences - Use so then in a sentence - bab.la
See how to use so then in a sentence. Lot of example sentences with the word so then.