So - Grammar - Cambridge Dictionary
We use so + that as a conjunction to introduce clauses of reason and explanation: They both went on a diet so that they could play more football with their friends. We also use so + adjective or …
punctuation - When do we need to put a comma after "so" at the ...
2011年6月19日 · So again, the best simple rule-of-thumb is to avoid comma-after-so (indeed comma after any FANBOYS) at the beginning of a sentence, immediately following a …
Do You Use a Comma Before “So”? - Grammarly
2022年9月30日 · Do You Use a Comma Before “So”? Should you place a comma before so when it joins two clauses in a sentence? The answer depends on whether the clause introduced by …
英语语法丨So的多种用法总结,干货满满 - 知乎
1.‘so’ and ‘neither’ short answers. 我们可以用so表示“同样,也是”的意思. 例:“I like this film” “So do I.” “I’m tired” “So am I.” She’s got a happy face and so has he. 在问句中,跟so在一起的动 …
So Tell Me—When Is It Correct to Use - GrammarBook.com
Identify whether each use of so is an adverb, a conjunction, an adjective, or a pronoun. 1.
Learn English Grammar: How to use SO & SO THAT - YouTube
2015年3月6日 · In this grammar lesson, we will look at when and how to use "so", "so that" and "so _____ that". After watching the video, test your knowledge by doing the quiz SO THAT you …
Comma Before or After So | Rules & Examples - Scribbr
2023年3月18日 · When “so” is used to mean “therefore” (or “for that reason” or “because of that”), it’s classed as a coordinating conjunction connecting two independent clauses. When …
so when-翻译为中文-例句英语| Reverso Context
通过email 练习, 您将学习语言的技术层面, 因此当您需要开口的时候您会感到轻松, 对语法的运用更加自信. Okay, so when can you start? 好吧,什么时候你能开始? so when this …
so 和 so that 省略后的 so 很容易混淆,但它们有一个基本的区别
so 和 so that 都是连词,用来连接两,然而,就其用途而言,它们有一个基本的区别。 I was hungry, so I ate. 我饿了,所以我吃了。 The printer was broken, so we couldn’t use it. 打印机 …
So when - English Grammar - English - The Free Dictionary
2019年7月17日 · 'so' is a bit like a pronoun, referring back to a previous statement, meaning 'that is true'. We are all likely to experience pain during our lives and particularly (especially) this …