Soala's stuff - Graal Forums
2011年1月1日 · Soala's stuff Graphic Design. Attachment 52128 Attachment 52129 I know the leaf isn't pixel art but meh, felt like showing it, I fixed it up some more.
Soala's graphics gallery (done/undone) ! - Graal Forums
2009年9月13日 · Soala's graphics gallery (done/undone) ! Well, not to copy Aeko but I felt like showing off what I'm currently working on, updating things frequently, show some projects, and show finished work too ! And this, in one and only thread
Soala's stuff - Page 2 - Graal Forums
2011年1月10日 · Newest one may look kinda busy on the left side of the blade. I'll try and improve it eventualy. Here are all version: Attachment 52147 First one was for Maloria, then I made a second one improving the ice feel (kinda) and it is Maloria's current "Eternal Frost" sword.
2024年9月28日 · 凭借突破1亿次流媒体播放,贴近α世代生活的魅力潮流女歌手Soala首次亮相STREAM。 媒体曝光度尚且不多,而这次是她首次接受正式采访。 在这次珍贵的访谈中,我们深入了解了Soala的真实面貌。
News Admin Application: Chompy - Graal Forums
2009年3月22日 · I would start with doing weekly interviews with players and managers, and update the news section at the Wiki to keep the login server with good and fresh news. I would also start doing clean-up work on the Graal Bible/Wiki. At the moment, there's only a few servers that actually use the login server to spread the news about their servers.
Worlds/Azure Skies - Graal Bible
After a little persuasion, Soala agreed to head in the direction Jamie wanted to take and as of (11th January, 2009) the staff list consisted of Soala, Jamie and a new addition to the team, Rawr.
JulesGFX is a website for the game Graal Online Era. You'll find all the most popular heads and bodies (from the most famous sites like Run2die, GunnerGraal) heads & bodies are not made by myself.
Soala(歌手)のプロフィールや彼氏は?経歴や路上ライブの場 …
2023年5月31日 · 今SNSを中心に大人気な アーティストさんがいます。 それは Soalaさんです! 現在(2023年5月現在)20歳のシンガーソングライターとして 関西や関東を中心に活動されています。 今回はこれから必ず売れるであろう ソアラさんについて
「透過音樂拯救他人是我的核心」Soala 在她的第二次單人現場表 …
創作歌手Soala於2024年8月25日(星期日)在大阪ESAKA MUSE舉辦了「Soala 2nd ONE-MAN-LIVE ~CINDERELLA~」。 這是他的第二次個人演唱會,距離今年3月舉行的第一次個人演唱會「STORY」大約五個月。
Meet Sammy the Koala 🐨—the crypto pioneer with humor, heart ️, and a mission to make wealth fun! Sammy’s not chasing fame 🌟; he’s all about spreading joy, investing in creative meme coins 💎, and building a community full of laughter and success.