Sobig - Wikipedia
The worm was most widespread in its "Sobig.F" variant. As of 2018, Sobig is the second fastest computer worm to have ever entered the wild, being surpassed only by Mydoom. Sobig was …
霸王虫病毒 - 百度百科
霸王虫(Sobig.F)是2003年8月19日开始传播的计算机病毒,在最初的24小时之内,自身复制了100万次,创下了历史纪录(Mydoom病毒打破)。 2003年9月10日,病毒禁用了自身,从此 …
Worm.Sobig.F - 百度百科
Worm.Sobig.F是一种电脑病毒,属于蠕虫病毒,中文名为大无级变种F。 一、邮件传播能力非常强。 病毒作者在原来病毒的基础上,做了改良,使得“大无极变种F”病毒不但会搜索地址薄中的 …
Sobig - The Virus Encyclopedia - Wikidot
Sobig.F was the most prolific worm of its time and held records for the number of emails sent, along with a few others. The email filtering company MessageLabs claims to have stopped …
Malware History: Sobig - ANY.RUN Blog - ANY.RUN's …
2020年9月16日 · Sobig, sometimes called Reteras, Palyh, and Mankx was a computer worm — a malicious program that can copy itself to propagate to new machines. Sobig is one of the most …
Sobig.F Virus - Snopes.com
2003年8月19日 · Virus name: Sobig.F. Status: Real. Origins: Sobig.F is the latest variant of yet another mass-mailing worm which exploits a vulnerability in the Microsoft Outlook e-mail client …
“巨无霸”蠕虫病毒新变种传播速度创记录 - 新浪科技
2003年8月21日 · Sobig.F是今年1月份出现的一种蠕虫病毒的第六个变种,也是最新的变种。 这种病毒通过电子邮件和网络文件共享系统,在使用Windows系统的个人电脑中 ...
Worm:W32/Sobig.F | F-Secure Labs
A new variant of Worm:W32/Sobig, known as Sobig.F was first found on August 19th, 2003 and it is spreading in the wild. Based on the settings of your F-Secure security product, it will either …
Worm:W32/Sobig | F-Secure Labs
Sobig contains a routine that downloads a text file from a website. The content of the file is used as a URL to download some program and run it on the infected machine.
大无极。F - 百度百科
Sobig.f是一个利用互联网进行传播的病毒,当其程序被执行时,它会将自己以 电子邮件 的形式发给它从被感染电脑中找到的所有邮件地址。 大无极。 在被执行后,Sobig.f病毒将自己以附件 …