socat patches and contributions - dest-unreach
Find more info and a patch. OpenSSL FIPS with socat David Acker contributed a patch that allows the integration of the OpenSSL FIPS extension. socat patch Use this patch if …
[PATCH] socat: upgrade -> - Hongxu Jia
From: Hongxu Jia <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Subject: [PATCH] socat: upgrade -> Date: …
socat - Debian Package Tracker
A new upstream version is available, you should consider packaging it. The BTS contains patches fixing 1 bug, consider including or untagging them. A package building reproducibly …
socat: patch for OpenSSL certificate hash verification
2017年12月25日 · The procedure to trust a specific certificate (self-signed for example, or with another CA which is not part of a public chain) on a server requires access to <code …
Releases · 3ndG4me/socat - GitHub
Mirror of the socat source code with pre-built releases for Linux (x64 and x86), Windows (x64 and x86), and MacOS (x64) - 3ndG4me/socat
socat patch
socat patch Patch. If you alread have socat source and you want to have but do not want to download the whole package again or for some other reason prefer to apply …
Change log for socat package in Ubuntu - Launchpad
2024年12月23日 · socat ( saucy; urgency=low * Merge from Debian, remaining changes: - d/patches/socat-opensslcompress*.patch: Add OpenSSL compression …
socat - docs.bugs.cc
2021-01-04: Socat version fixes a couple of bugs including a very theoretical security issue, restauration of DTLS using UDP, some porting issues, and last but not least several …
Linux 命令详解:socat 命令 - 双向数据传输工具 - 知乎
socat 命令由 socat 软件包提供,在 Debian/Ubuntu 系统上可以使用如下命令进行安装。 语法: 选项: -V :显示版本信息及特性。 -h|-? :显示帮助信息,包括选项(options)和地 …
2020年7月15日 · socat,是linux下的一个工具,其功能与有“瑞士军刀”之称的netcat类似,不过据说可以看做netcat的加强版。 的确如此,它有一些netcat所不具备却又很有需求的功能,例 …
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