Social robot - Wikipedia
A social robot is an autonomous robot that interacts and communicates with humans or other autonomous physical agents by following social behaviors and rules attached to its role. Like other robots, a social robot is physically embodied (avatars or on-screen synthetic social characters are not embodied and thus distinct).
What Is a Social Robot? - Built In
2024年5月8日 · A social robot is a robot capable of interacting with humans and other robots. Social robots are developed using artificial intelligence and are often equipped with sensors, cameras, microphones and other technology so they can respond to touch, sounds and visual cues much like humans would.
Home | International Journal of Social Robotics - Springer
International Journal of Social Robotics offers a platform for multidisciplinary research and development in social robotics. Provides an overview of the current state of the social robotics field. Focuses on innovative ideas, new scientific results and discoveries, as well as improvements, and novel applications in the core technologies of ...
What Makes a Robot Social? A Review of Social Robots from …
2021年2月4日 · Social robots demonstrate their potential when deployed within contexts appropriate to their form and functions. Some examples include companions for the elderly and cognitively impaired individuals, robots within educational settings, and as tools to support cognitive and behavioural change interventions.
What Makes a Robot Social? A Review of Social Robots from …
We provide an outlook on the definitions, laboratory research, and applications of social robots, with an aim to understand what makes a robot social—in the eyes of science and the general public. Social robots demonstrate their potential when deployed within contexts appropriate to their form and functions.
Social Robot - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
A 'Social Robot' is defined as a robot with social interaction capabilities that can generate social responses in users. These robots communicate verbally and non-verbally with people, exhibiting human and social characteristics such as conversation, gestures, and personality.
What is social robot? | Definition from TechTarget
A social robot is an artificial intelligence system that is designed to interact with humans and other robots. In the workplace, social robots have the potential to take over entire job functions, such as greeting and basic customer service. In the home, social robots could become functional enough to serve as a member of the family and be ...
Social robotics—Trust, learning, and social interaction - Science
2018年8月22日 · Social robotics is a relatively new field embarking on capturing the rich, dynamic nature of social interactions and environments. It cuts across many disciplines, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, psychology, medicine, social and cognitive sciences, neuroscience, and human-robot interaction.
2020社交机器人 SOCIAL ROBOTS - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
ASIMO是目前 最具身体能力 的社交机器人,它能走、能跑,甚至能爬楼梯。 沃克机器人于2019年亮相,并将于2020年发布。 沃克是一款敏捷、智能、智能的类人机器人。 最新版本的沃克比以往任何时候都更加先进和强大,它可以与人互动,甚至可以走得非常流畅和快速,并掌握和操纵沉重的物品。 虽然它还没有发布,这个步行机器人有创造未来历史的潜力。 沃克 可能是第一个 商业上能够成功工作的双足机器人,很快就会上市。 UBTECH成立于2012年,是一家全球领先的AI …
Social robots as conversational catalysts: Enhancing long-term …
2025年3月12日 · Social robots have been designed to enhance the dynamics and processes of human groups, such as conflict resolution and participation enhancement (43–45). Among these prior studies, the robot’s support role emerges as a critical design factor influencing the robot’s influence on human groups.