Programs - SOCOM
The Directorate of Enterprise Information Systems (DIR-EIS) manages the development, acquisition, fielding, new equipment training, and sustainment of EIS and MISO systems. The portfolio includes three primary capability areas - Enterprise Systems, Transport Systems, and SOF Information Technology Integration Services. DIR-EIS integrates new and emerging technologies as part of its System of ...
Services Acquisition Management Office - SOCOM
The Program Executive Office for Services (PEO-SV) provides the USSOCOM Commander and Acquisition Executive with the leadership to execute and oversee efficient and optimized services acquisition. Additionally, PEO-SV supports HQ USSOCOM, and Component and Theater Special Operations Commands with services acquisition advice, training, requirements documentation, cost estimating and source ...
Our Organization - SOCOM
The SOF AT&L mission is to provide rapid and focused acquisition, technology, and acquisition logistics support to SOF Warfighters. To accomplish this mission, SOF AT&L comprises eight Program Executive Offices (Fixed Wing, Maritime, Rotary Wing, SOF Support Activity, SOF Warrior, Services, SOF Digital Applications and Tactical Information Systems) and five Directorates (Comptroller ...
SOCOM launching new commercial solutions opening for digital ...
2024年12月2日 · SOCOM’s acquisition, technology and logistics directorate is launching a commercial solutions opening to support PEO SOF digital applications, according to a special notice posted on Sam.gov.
SOF Week 2023: USSOCOM to consolidate Program Executive …
2023年5月10日 · The US Special Operations Command has announced it will consolidate a pair of Program Executive Offices (PEOs) into a single entity to support the National Defense Strategy (NDS), according to acquisition executive Jim Smith.
USSOCOM: Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology and ...
2021年7月7日 · Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (SOF AT&L), part of U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), ensures special operations forces (SOF) have the equipment and services required for them to complete missions across the globe. SOF AT&L is organized into program executive offices (PEOs) and directorates. The PEOs include Command, Control, Communications and Computers ...
Services - SOCOM
PEO SV Program Managers successfully planned and executed over$3Bin service contracts annually that aligned with the Acquisition Executive's (AE) four Lines of Effort (LoE). To support the AE's LoEs, PEO SV adopted three imperatives that focus on key areas: Stability, Agility and Reach, enhancing the workforce capacity and capabilities, improving organizational structure and performance, and ...
2020 Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology and …
2020年5月26日 · Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (SOF AT&L), part of U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), ensures special operations forces (SOF) have the equipment and services required for them to complete missions across the globe. SOF AT&L is organized into program executive offices (PEO) and directorates. The PEOs include Command, Control, Communications and Computers ...
Operator survival/equipment items Radios, SATCOM terminals, & ancillary equipment Information Technology automation devices & systems Operator & Medic kits ISR kits Vehicles TACLAN FoS equipment deliveries SCAMPI node, SOCOM Strategic Entry Point, media ports CASEVAC kits Rotary Wing aircraft & systems Tactical MISO systems Fixed Wing aircraft Mobile Technology and Repair Centers deployed ...
Six new efforts were started, which address SOCOM research and development priorities and SOF technology opportunities. Five projects transitioned to the PEO/SOF units this past year.