Soda Hall - University of California, Berkeley
In Soda Hall, "the building is the computer," with advanced networking, wireless capabilities, and access to computer clusters for shared computing power, storage, and services - all unique when the building opened.
Visiting EECS - EECS at Berkeley
The EE Division and EECS Department offices are in Cory Hall. The CS Division is based across the street in Soda Hall. Some of our faculty and researchers are also in Sutardja Dai Hall, next to Cory.
Book Cory and Soda Hall Rooms - EECS at Berkeley
Small and special purpose rooms in Soda Hall Alcoves, atrium, GSR rooms, etc. View or Subscribe to Room Calendars Directly on bCal For people who frequently book the same rooms.
Soda Hall | Disability Access & Compliance - University of …
In Soda Hall, "the building is the computer," with advanced networking, wireless capabilities, and access to computer clusters for shared computing power, storage, and services - all unique when the building opened.
Campus of the University of California, Berkeley - Wikipedia
Soda Hall, which is located north of Cory Hall and houses the Computer Science Division, is one of the few classroom buildings on campus with showers.
Facilities, Safety and Space Management - EECS at Berkeley
Undergraduate students may request access by visiting the Soda Hall front desk between the hours of 8-11:30 am or 1-3:30 pm during regular business days. Soda Hall: 1st floor; rooms 178 and 182
Soda Hall - Berkeley Engineering
The construction of Soda Hall, which houses computer science research, is complete. Soda’s classrooms, labs, and offices are designed to encourage informal interactions among CS students and faculty.
Soda Hall Home Page - University of California, Berkeley
How to find Soda Hall. Information on Donors to Soda Hall, and on Building Highlights. Short (5min.) construction movie of Soda hall.
Soda Hall Home Page - University of California, Berkeley
How to find Soda Hall. Information on Donors to Soda Hall, and on Building Highlights
Soda Hall
2014年9月30日 · 4 reviews and 3 photos of SODA HALL "This is the UC Berkeley Computer Science building. It's pretty cool. I'll just enumerate the floors: Basement: - Apparently there are showers here. I have never tried those out though. 2nd floor: - This floor is all labs. You will find rooms full of Core i3 boxes running Ubuntu. These machines are not powerful.
- 位置: 387 Soda Hall Berkeley, CA 94720