SOE Design Requirements - Foundation engineering | Eng-Tips
2003年12月17日 · The SOE wall was made from drilling 8" pipes into the ground and sliding steel plates behind them while excavating. The adjacent building was relatively stable until they started driving piles 60-80 ft away.
SOE with existing Utility Pipe - Geotechnical engineering general ...
2024年2月2日 · The portion of the pipe needed for the tie-in would be inaccessible, underground outside the sheeting. If high ground water is an issue, excavation may need to be substantially deeper that 42' to construct a seal. If a seal is required the permanent piles would have to driven with a spud thru water before before seal placement.
SOE using slope stabilization methods? - Eng-Tips
2023年7月28日 · Alternatively, smaller/faster to drill micro piles require tie-backs that produce similar cost dis-advantages. For most of these SOE's, however, we can excavate past the ROW and into the sidewalk areas which generally extend …
Odd Ball Sheeting Design - Earth retention engineering | Eng-Tips
1999年6月27日 · We're working for a contractor and we designed a sheet piling wall that requires 35' sheet piles to support a 10' SOE. Today, the contractor said 35' sheets would be a special order. I can appreciate his dilemma because he has to drive 1/2 mile of sheeting and it's on the critical path. He's...
Secant Pile Structure to Resist Lateral Load 1 - Eng-Tips
2022年2月8日 · Due to the critical structures behind the shaft that need to be protected, we can't pour the thrust block up against the Shaft Support of Excavation (SOE) to spread the load. The solution here is to create a "free-standing thrust wall" made up of secant piles, positioned away from the Shaft SOE.
Dewatering method - Earth retention engineering | Eng-Tips
2017年3月27日 · I've done recently SOE for the same scenario at nearby property where I did sheet piles and now my boss is trying to "Design" a custom made hydraulic press to press sheet piles in - but as you can imagine, I am not sure if that's gonna work so I don't want to rely on this. That's why I would like to look for an alternative.
Design Of Stabilization Piles - Slope stability engineering
2011年5月12日 · I'm looking for the paper with the title "Ultimate Lateral Load On Piles Used To Stabilise Landslides", written by Viggiani. I didn't encounter with the exact formulations of shear force and bending moment given for the six possible failure modes of stabilization piles (shown in the attachment), in any paper or presentation.
Alternative to underpinning - Structural engineering general
2017年4月24日 · Hello everyone, I have a question regarding an underpinning. What is an alternative to the typical underpinning method ? An architect works on the project where they are adding an extra floor to the exist. residential building plus they want to deepen the exist. cellar of about 10 feet. There...
Standard Soil Patterns? - Geotechnical engineering general
2007年11月8日 · I need to find standard lithologic patterns for soils and bedrock. USCS standard patterns are preferable, but I've also read there are standard DOT patterns. I need them for CAD dwgs. Is there anywhere I can download standard soil hatch patterns or do I just "copy" the ones I've found online by...
Pile Hammer Size / Driving Criteria - Foundation engineering
2002年12月2日 · I was taught to size a pile driving hammer so that the pile reaches the desired capacity at approximately 10 to 12 blows per inch. (I know that some agencies require all piles to be driven to refusal at 20 blows per inch). Lately, it seems that people are driving piles to …