Drop pod - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
The design and manufacturing of drop pods has two major delineations; Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicles/Vessels (SOEIVs) and Human Entry Vehicles (HEVs). M7650 Human Entry Vehicle - an obsolete and unreliable drop pod still in service closer to the start of the Human-Covenant War.
Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle - Halo Alpha
The Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle (SOEIV), informally referred to as the Human Entry Vehicle and drop pod and also known as the Egg, is a small pod used by the United Nations Space Command to deploy an individual and his equipment from high orbit to the surface.
M8900 Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle
The M8900 Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle is a SOIEV variant employed by the ODSTs. It was heavily employed during the Human-Covenant War.
M9407 drop pod - Halopedia
As such, the M9407 SOEIV is a modern drop pod design that incorporates a number of improvements over its M8823 and M8900 forebears. These include more reliable in-flight communications, limited inertial compensation, compatability with gravitic -assist launch tubes and significantly improved structural integrity.
Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle - Halo SPV3 …
The Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle (SOEIV), informally known as the drop pod or egg by its operators, were the quintessential drop pods used by the United Nations Space Command's Orbital Drop Shock Troopers for deep orbital insertions behind enemy lines.
【HALO载具频道】SOEIV单兵大气层外突入载具 —— 踏入地狱!
在标准的SOEIV座舱中,地狱伞兵坐在一张只有简单惯性阻尼器和缓冲功能的防撞网内。 地狱伞兵可通过简单的操控来调节空降舱的航程,专家系统则指挥空降舱的下降和规避动作。 指挥官的空降舱额外配备高功率通讯设备,战术传感器、愚笨型人工智慧储存插槽、同UNSC友军协调沟通的战斗网络中继器,以及着陆后投放的侦查无人机。 舱内的空间大多都被设备占据,留给乘员的舒适度极为有限。 空降舱的外壳是陶瓷镀层,配有一层合金防撞结构。 为了允许从高轨道安全突入 …
单兵外大气层空降载具 (SOEIV),或者可以称为人员突入载具 (HEV),非正式情况被称为空投舱,还被嘲讽的叫做鸡蛋,是一种UNSC用于从高轨道向地面部署人员的小型空降舱。 单兵外大气层空降载具由乌斯怀亚军械库生产,一般由轨道上的海军舰艇发射并降落到敌后指定地点,进入大气层时单兵外大气层空降载具会快速减速,另外SOEIV一般都是由UNSC海军陆战队的ODST部队使用。 单兵外大气层空降载具外观棱角分明,但是大小规格并不统一,其内部有座椅,通讯设备,不 …
Question about SOEIV Drop Pods in 2552. How did Veronica Dare ... - Reddit
2021年8月24日 · Using the hinges to open the pod up normally, as shown when Buck leave his pod upside down. Both methods require having the main hatch open up. As shown when Buck was moving in on her pod, Dare would have been leaving the pod under fire and would not have time to open the door and close it/place the door back on.
【HALO宇宙指南】行星轨道空降部队 —— 率先踏入地狱 - 哔哩哔哩
Orbital Drop Shock Troopers(ODST) 也被俗称为 Helljumper / 地狱空降兵 ,是UNSC海军陆战队的一支由快速反应部队组成的精锐特种部队,专用于执行轨道拦截支援战术。是UNSC最著名的特种部队单位,处于海军特种作战部的行政和作战控制下。
Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle
The Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle (abbreivated SOEIV), colloquially called the Human Entry Vehicle (HEV), and commonly called the Drop Pod or Egg, is an atmospheric insertion pod used by the UNSCDF to deploy and individual and his/her equipment from orbit to the surface without the need for a dropship deployment.
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