FX Advanced Total Station | SOKKIA Americas / Oceania
The FX total station provides the advantage of on-board Windows® Embedded Compact 7 operating system and comes standard with MAGNET™ Sokkia Field, the cloud-based …
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FX Series - SOKKIA
The FX series features our best-in-class absolute encoders that provide long-term reliability in any job site condition. Dual-axis compensator ensures stable measurements even when set up on …
FX Advanced Total Station | SOKKIA Global Portal
The FX total station provides the advantage of on-board Windows® CE operating system and comes standard with MAGNET™ Field, a cloud-based application software for unmatched …
Sokkia FX-105 5 Second Reflectorless Total Station
The FX total station provides the advantage of on-board Windows® CE operating system and comes standard with MAGNET™ Field, a cloud-based application software for unmatched …
Sokkia FX Series is Sokkia FX-201 | Sokkia Total Station | PIE
Sokkia FX-201 Total Station is the latest development from Sokkia (Japan make), having a high performance EDM which measures distances upto 1000 meters reflectorless and upto 6000 …
fx专业性全站仪,具有坚固耐用、高可靠性和高精度的特点,适合于 专业的测绘和工程领域,如公路、铁路、隧道、大坝、桥梁、高楼等。 机身细节设计更专业:
• FX features Sokkia’s original absolute encoders that provide long-term reliability in any job site condition. Dual-axis compensator ensures stable measurements even when setup on uneven …
FX系列具備一流的絕對編碼器,在任何工作現場提供長期可靠的穩定性。 雙軸補償器即使在不平坦的地形上也能確保穩定的測量。 垂直及水平的微動旋鈕用於確保穩定的角度測量。 FX-101 …
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FX series - SOKKIA
• Except where stated, “FX” means FX-101/102/103/105/107 in this manual. • The FX Series is available in "standard", "High Temperature", and "Low Temperature" models. Users with a …
SOKKIA FX Advanced Total Station - prismgeosystems.com
Discover precision and efficiency with the SOKKIA FX-200 Total Station. Offering advanced technology for surveying and construction professionals, the FX-200 delivers unparalleled …
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